Here is the replacement for my duplicate devotion written on Tuesday Nov 10th. First time I think I have done this in 6 years:
To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn. Isaiah 61:2
No one knows when they will die or when someone they love dearly will die. I have had too many friends to name who suffered the unexpected loss of a loved one way earlier than expected. A car accident, heart attack,sudden onset of cancer, still born baby, and on the list goes. It grieves my heart when anyone passes but when a death is so sudden and at such a young age for many we often can not understand. Thing is it is not our place to understand.
Our job as believers is to trust God and not be mad at Him and to do our job to comfort those who mourn.
Our job as believers is to trust God and not be mad at Him and to do our job to comfort those who mourn.
Grief takes a long time to endure. Those who have lost a family member do not want you to act like they never existed because they did. Holidays often make the loss even harder. For those who grieve it is a process and takes time. It is best to try to get involved in the life of perhaps another hurting person.
If you have a grieving friend simply be their friend. Take them out places. Go visit them. Stay in touch. They need more than lots of casseroles. Maybe they don't want all the food because they don't want to be fat. Think of creative ways that you can be a blessing to someone walking through grief.
PRAYER:Use me as your hands and feet in a hurting world Lord. Show me creative ways to reach out to those who are hurting and sad. Help me learn when not to talk as well. In Jesus' name. Amen
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