Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Lord of Lords! He Has Our Back!

On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords.
Revelation 19:16

I don't know about you but when it is time, I am sure excited about entering Heaven and seeing the glory of God! Sometimes we might find ourselves just wanting to say "Beam me up Jesus. I have had enough of the corruption down here." God is not through with you yet and has a purpose for you right where you are. Believe it! 

     Just think of it. King of kings and Lord of Lords. Almighty God. Prince of Peace. Deliverer. Sustainer. No more tears. No more pain. No more fighting. No more sorrow. A glorious time awaits those who have asked Jesus to live inside of them and take the controls. We need not worry about calamity and things here on Earth as no matter what, God does have your back.  You may go through hard times but He will deliver you. The story is not over. 

So hang on my friend. The ride may be bumpy but smooth roads are ahead. 

PRAYER: Forgive me Lord for times I have stewed over problems and things here on planet Earth. I know your purposes will prevail. Strengthen me for the battles ahead. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Forgive, Okay?

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.Ephesians 4:31-32

   Do you find it hard to forgive? Your husband maybe hurt your feelings. Your best friend said something rude or as a joke. A friend no longer wants anything to do with you and says she forgives but goes no further. You were cheated by a business partner. A co worker lied to the boss about you. Someone gossiped about you and you found out. You got a raw deal from a realtor or a company you hired to do a service for you. I am sure you can add more scenarios. 

We are commanded to forgive. We are commanded to love. A person can not truly love unless they can bring themselves to forgive. Sometimes the person you need to forgive my not even be aware of it and you just have to move on and let it go. A lack of forgiveness causes a bitter root to develop. You can not love until you get rid of this bitterness. Being unable to forgive causes divorces, friendships to end, lawsuits, being fired, and a bunch of other stuff. 

If you are weak in this area make it a point to start listing people you need to forgive in your life. It might even be an absent or alcoholic parent. Perhaps a cheating spouse. Maybe a parent who wants nothing to do with you. Perhaps a child who wants nothing to do with you. Begin praying for healing and restoration. God wants love to dominate.

PRAYER: I am thankful when people have asked me to forgive them when I thought there was no hope. Help me to remember to never harbor hate for anyone and to pray for my enemies. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Conforming To This World?

not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

What is more important to you? Modern culture or being a follower of Christ? The culture certainly is not a God friendly place. Movies and TV attempt to desensitize us then good Christian people compromise deeply held beliefs by caving into pressure from the world. We are told times have changed and we need to 'tolerate' the new morality and things like the new definition of marriage. A teen girl, for instance,  even though she is in a growing dynamic church may feel she has to have the latest styles and like the current movies even if they compromise her values. Maybe she will say things don't bother her so she fits in. 

    We are to be lights in this world. I once heard if we were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict us. Ponder that for a moment. Do you allow culture to mold you? Are you able to walk away from things you know do not please God even though you may be mocked? Do you filter choices through God's eyes? There certainly is enough to drag us down and get us off the course God has planned for us.

Can you be a dynamic follower of Christ in a world that is anything but Christian? This week let your light shine brightly, not in a self righteous way, but in a loving way to those you meet. 

PRAYER: My prayer for myself and for my family is to break their hearts by what breaks yours Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Prayer And Duct Tape

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19

There have been moments before I have thought something through, I speak or send a text or email, and poof. There it goes and it is too late to take it back. Where was the duct tape to put over my mouth before I carelessly let words spew from my mouth? Some people may have a harder time with this mouth control than others but yet it is vitally crucial to get a grasp on the things we say. 
Our words can help build up. They can also be quite destructive. Words can end friendships and even marriages. Words can cause arguments resulting in death and destruction. It is extremely important we master the art of being able to slow down, think, listen, and then speak if necessary. Really meditate on what today's verse says. Memorize it if possible. 
If we are able to just slow down and think before talking our lives would be a whole lot less complicated and stressful. 

PRAYER: Help me Lord get a grip on the words I speak. I want to be able to have the ability to not just talk and talk and not think. Guide me in this area which I am very weak in. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Note: Today is opening day nationwide of the movie 'War Room'. Do yourself a favor and make it a priority to see this excellent film with a distinct message. To find theaters near you go to www.warroommovie.com
Be blessed! 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Talk Them Off The Ledge

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14

Discouragement and depression are real and serious conditions sometimes needing professional medical help to help a person improve. Often times a situation can seem overwhelming to someone. Servicemen going through  PTSD is no laughing matter and needs professional help. But perhaps you know of someone who is not quite so serious but may need a friend to talk to. Your listening ear could sometimes be the difference in life or death. It is not necessary to hold a degree in counseling to be a friend. 

Satan is the great deceiver. He can keep a person down in the dumps and make them believe a lie that they are not worth anything and life would be better if they were not here. If you yourself have ever had feelings like that first of all talk to a trusted friend. Above all pray. Run to God. If you feel far from God it is not He who has gone anywhere. Psalm 51:10 says "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." 

God loves you my friend. Through the ups and downs this life brings He is only a prayer away. 

PRAYER: Help me be aware of those in my life who may need a touch from a friend or from you Lord. Give me the words to say should I encounter a person in crisis. When I am lonely help me remember to run to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

NOTE: If you feel lonely or even suicidal PLEASE call this hotline number now: 1-800-273-TALK
For 24 hour prayer contact : 1-800-4PRAYER

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Humble Yourself

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else. Galatians 6:4

No one likes to be around a boastful person very long. It can be easy an easy trap to fall into, especially when maybe it comes to our children. We can be proud of something but don't want to go on and on gushing about it.  "Better to have someone else praise you and not your own lips" it says in Proverbs 27:2. Ask yourself why it is necessary to 'toot your own horn' anyway.

When you have accomplished something that others start praising you for say thanks but do not forget who it is who gives you the ability to do what you do. Give the lord thanks for He has gifted you with your abilities and talents. Above all do not compare yourself to someone else as each person is gifted in different ways. When you are humble to you glory to God as well. 

Matthew 23:12 tells us "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." So the next time you are tempted to puff yourself up, ask why, then give God the glory for great things He has done!

PRAYER: Forgive me Lord for any times I was boastful about something. I truly do not want to do that. I have nothing to prove to anyone. You deserve all the praise and may I never forget that. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Be Encouraged

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Colossians 3:1

Most everyone knows what it is like to have a sense of discouragement come upon them. It is a hopeless confusing feeling. Sometimes like you can't continue your task at hand. Many times we can easily become like this when we forget to look up to Jesus and set our thoughts and eyes upon Him. Focusing on our problems does not bring hope, but despair. Of course Satan loves nothing more than to keep us feeling gloomy. I say enough is enough to Satan. 

Do this when you start to get down. Start listing your blessings. Maybe keep a jar and each day write on a slip of paper one thing good that happened that day. This exercise can help you keep looking 'up' and not on what has got you down. And out loud say to Satan "get behind me, you have no power over me". 

Before you know it you not only will feel encouraged but you will be able to spread encouragement to those around you. 

PRAYER: Thanks for being my 24/7 savior. You care when I am discouraged. I know you want to use me to help encourage others. I choose to keep my thoughts on you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Equal Time

Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father but is from the world. 1 John 2:15-16

The world we live in presents us with so many distractions. You don't even have to be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder to be bombarded with a multitude of entertainment and social media choices screaming for attention. What is your normal activity  each morning when you awaken from slumber? Is it to check your Facebook status or to pick up the word of God? Now don't get me wrong I am not saying God does not want you using Facebook or all those wonderful Apps on your mobile device,  but your life and my life, need prioritized and balanced. Somehow if you hardly even crack open a Bible except maybe when the pastor or priest reads a verse on Sunday then maybe it is time to ask yourself what you need to do to get closer to the Lord. 

The world lures us into the trap of different types of evil. Entertainment choices on the three major networks used to be so wholesome but now we are bombarded with the normalcy of crime shows, autopsies, lawyers, sexual relations outside of marriage and on it goes. Gone are the innocent days of 'Leave It To Beaver', 'Ed Sullivan', and 'The Donna Reed Show.' On TV Land occasionally you have good shows like 'Little House on the Prairie' and 'Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman' but sad to say even Christian teens are being desensitized to sin through programming. What do you need to do to insure you are not being overly captivated by things of this world?

I suggest starting off each day by not running instantly to the television news, the paper, or many other things that keep your attention away from the Bible. Today is the 24th so begin with prayer and read the 24th Psalm and 24th Proverb. The more you get used to this the more Facebook will become less of a priority. 

PRAYER: I admit it is hard to sometimes try to start my day with my quiet time Lord. Help me try to put the important things first in my life before rushing around being  distracted by this world. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Stand Up For Jesus

When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36

When you have an opportunity to be a witness in your workplace, on an airplane, at a bus stop, in the store, in your dorm room, to your sorority sisters or fraternity brothers, is your instinct to run and hide or to reach out? Do you not even like to pray in a restaurant because people might look? Many hurting people are out there in our world. We can not tell just by looking at a person what is going on in their life just like others aren't mind readers with us either. Sometimes just a simple hello or smile is all someone needs. Last week I walked beside a lady who had chemo and lost all her hair and just chatted with her as we made our way to baggage claim at an airport. 

It says in Luke 19:10 that "Jesus came to seek and save the lost" and as His representatives we are to be doing His work as we go about our day. When your co worker shares a problem in their life is your instinct to try to help or could you care less?  When a friend is in need of a shoulder to cry on are you there for them? Instead of getting angry at someone because they 'believe wrongly' try to look at them through the eyes of our savior. He had compassion and hurt for the hurting.

Stand up for the truth and do it in love and stand up and reach out to the hurting world around you. 

PRAYER: Help me bold Lord as I seek to share your love with those I come in contact with who may need someone to talk to. Help me think more of you Lord than my own selfish concerns. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Pray First And Always

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
 Are you believing for something in your life? Maybe in the natural people may say it is impossible. Perhaps you are faced with a seemingly difficult stressful situation. What is your normal response when under pressure? The answer should not be "freak out" but it should be to pray and keep praying. Nay sayers, maybe some even close to you, may say it is useless or there is no hope.

No matter what situation you are up against the natural man wants to fret, worry, stress, and lose control. The godly man chooses to think it through and let God be the guide. When letting the natural man be in control ultimately Satan is the winner as he has you not trusting God and not believing in miracles.
I don't know about you, but I want to let God help me control my emotions under pressure. Humanly it is easy to just lose it under certain circumstances but why not practice crying out to God when you feel like doing otherwise.

PRAYER: I love you Lord and thank you for the perfect peace that I experience when I go to you in prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Note: Today is the last day of 21 Days of Prayer from Church of the Highlands, Birmingham, AL.

 To view it go to http://21days.churchofthehighlands.com/service/

Friday, August 21, 2015


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

 What is it you are fixated on? Not in an obsessive compulsive sort of way but what captures your attention or gets the majority of your free time? In Hebrews 12:2 it says "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." To 'fix' it to purposely set your eyes as if concrete was poured and they are 'set' firm and hard. Instead of being concerned with the evil all around us we are to 'fix' our gaze straight ahead right at the cross of Jesus Christ. He's got our back.

He is wanting you to be sick at heart over Satan's destruction but wants you 'fixed' on Him and His awesome power for He has overcome this world. Today stop what you are doing and confess to Jesus your worry and fear then 'fix' your gaze upon Him.

 PRAYER: Help me Lord not fall into Satan's trap of fear and worry. You are greater and have overcome this world. I put my hope in you today and always. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cleansing Breath

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

 Often times if we are flustered about something if we could get away from the source of frustration and just calm down things would get better. Take a cleansing breath so to speak. When you do you will refocus, relax, renew, recharge, rekindle, restore, and rebuild your life just by taking a quiet moment to reflect on God's goodness. This too shall pass. Put down all the electronic devices and just sit and breathe in God's goodness. Relax.

 The pace of the modern world can be mind boggling. God never intended for us to just keep running on the treadmill of life without taking a breath. In order to get focused on Him and stay focused on Him we have to be intentional about breathing in the love of God and breathing out the lies and confusion of the world.

 Starting today why not practice this. Just breathe in the love of Christ and breathe out the hatred of the world.

 PRAYER: This is another day you have made a Lord and I choose to stay focused on you and not my problems or the worries of the world. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Stretcher Bearers

When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. Luke 5:19

 Are you being a stretcher bearer in someone's life? Think about what a stretcher bearer does. EMT workers carry people on a stretcher or gurney into the waiting ER. It is while on there, they are feverishly working on the patient keeping vitals stable and hoping to keep the them alive during transport to the hospital.

 A Christian as a 'stretcher bearer' serves as an extension of Jesus in the body of Christ reaching out to care for those who are hurting emotionally or physically. They heal wounds with kindness, caring, prayer, and meeting needs. Sometimes just being there and listening is all that is required.

 Do you know someone who needs a 'stretcher bearer' in their life?

 PRAYER: Help me be aware of those people in my life who may be in need of someone to lighten their load. Help me think more of others than myself. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Geez, Forgive Me Already

An offended friend is harder to win back than a fortified city. Arguments separate friends like a gate locked with bars. Proverbs 18:19

 This verse has come alive to me in the past couple years. Not sure if any of those who read this devotion have had experiences with a close trusted friend not wanting to be a friend anymore but it is confusing to say the least. Obviously it is something that must occur a good deal if it is in scriptures. I always think the root cause is from Satan who tries to destroy and divide. Maybe a person is having a bad day and they take it out on you. Perhaps there are deeper hidden issues. There is a saying "hurting people hurt people" and there is much truth to that. Our job when a person turns on us is to not hate and be ugly back but to continue to pray. Let them go. Give them and the situation to God then move on. It is hard to do but it is necessary. We can not camp out in our feelings of loss. Life goes on and so must we.

 Just last week I accidentally hit a fellow passenger on a flight in the head with my backpack as I bent over to retrieve my carry on bag at end of flight. It was not intentional yet she blasted me with words and ugly looks. I said "please forgive me" yet she seemed so angry. It was an accident. I prayed for that lady cause something deeper set her off.

 Are you harboring bitterness in your heart towards a friend or a family member? Do your realize that ill feelings are not from God but originate with the enemy? Our job is to love, forgive, and move on, never to hate or be bitter. Above all our job is to pray. Now go have a happy friendly loving day.

 PRAYER: Lord thank you that you love me even through dumb things I do. Help me to forgive others who have hurt me or been angry. I know the enemy is the source of all that is evil and wrong so help me to be kind at all costs. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Who 'Likes' Me?

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 118:6

 In this social media saturated generation, especially for those on Facebook and Instagram, we are drawn to the computer screen or smart phone sometimes probably more than being drawn to the word of God. You posted something and want to see how many people 'liked' it. Does our worth come from Facebook likes? Imagine the wasted time spent surfing the social media sites that could have been spent better enjoying time alone with the savior. He LIKES you, I guarantee it.

 If you have been addicted to running to Facebook every morning after you wake up it may take some practice to get away from doing it. Ask yourself why it matters anyway. Do it later. Get that cup of coffee and start thanking the Lord for another day He has given you to impact your world. It doesn't matter what people think anyway. When we start basing our worth on Facebook likes we are in dangerous territory. Let it go. Get away from it. Run to God's word and spend some time thanking Him for what He is doing in your life. Maybe share a Bible quote on your Facebook page.

 Now today is a new day. Know that God in fact LIKES you so much and He is waiting for you to spend some time with Him. Just do it okay?

 PRAYING: Thank you Lord for your love for me. Even when I ignore you or barely even study your word you still are there. Help me Lord to better schedule my day so I give you more than five minutes. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sheep Among Wolves

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 I have a few readers from outside the U.S. according to blogger statistics so when I write about the freedom in the United States hopefully they pray for us. Currently we are under a huge cloud of deception here in this once formerly strong Christian nation. Many have been deceived and are in a stupor of sorts. Like the illustration of the frog in the pot of water where slowly the heat is turned up till the frog perishes, we too are living in a complacent world divided by politics and the belief that everything is okay because of 'The Constitution'. Our 'stove burner' is slowly being turned up little by little till we don't know what is happening. The verse today says lots. We are living in times where the enemy is working through people to destroy this once great United States of America. Political correctness is replacing God's Holy word, the Bible. We are out here wandering around in 'wolf territory' so to speak. We are God's sheep and He wants to take care of us. We have to be shrewd and on our guard at all times so we are not devoured by the wolves. My friends we are to pray for our enemies but to be on our guard so we are not taken captive by wrong philosophies and evil thinking. Staying in God's word on a regular basis and praying will keep you strong and aware. Do not be afraid but continue to pray and believe. God is still on the throne and He is not going anywhere. PRAYER: Oh Father my heart aches for the people in my country believing lies from the enemy. Help me be on my guard too so I do not get sucked into wrong thinking. I pray for those evil people who do not like this country, some who are sitting in public office. I pray for them to come to know you Lord and I pray for our country to remain free. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Just Trust God, Ok?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:10-12 If you are watching the world news lately it does not take much to get fearful. Government corruption. Leaders who do their own thing at the expense of the people. Terrorism and ISIS infiltrating America. Open borders allowing criminals, drugs and crime to seep into America. Aborted baby parts being sold. It makes ones heads spin. I for one am very sad. Yet God is still on the throne. We have to trust Him. I heard a message in church where the minister said God is not sitting around wringing His hands in fear of global collapse. He has our back. We have to remember that. The thing we are to do is to stay in prayer and focus on God's word, not the nightly news, if we expect to have peace. Remember who our real enemy is and he schemes to trick people and to try to get rid of The name of Christ and anything associated with it. My word for the day is realize who the battle is against and keep praying and trust God. PRAYER: Thank you Lord for being our shield 24 hours a day. Help me to be aware of the tactics of the evil schemer the devil. I pray for those people he has captivated and deceived. Keep me alert Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Looking Ahead

But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19:26 Recently I had a very close call on the way to church of all things. Instead of paying attention to the road ahead of me and traffic I became focused on the vehicle behind me tailgating. In doing so I failed to see I did not have a turn signal and turned left right in front of an approaching pick up truck. This truck had to swerve to avoid my potentially deadly stupidity. Needless to say, God and our angels were watching over my husband and I as it could have sent us to the ER or the morgue. In life we need to stay focused ahead as well and not behind. Looking behind at the past does not solve anything. God wants our focus to be on the here and now and what lies ahead of us. Philippians 3:13-14 says "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Stay tuned with anticipation and hope for the future ahead of you. What in your life do you need to stay focused on and stop looking back? Trust God today and for the future. He has your back. PRAYER: Oh Lord you are so good. You watch over me even when I ignore you and do my own thing. Thank you for guarding me even when I am far away from you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Got Humility?

For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Matthew 23:12 A friend posed a question to me recently that made me think of the issue of being humble. She asked if I wrote my devotion could I do it anonymously without any credit to myself. A good thought provoking question. My answer of course was yes but sometimes it is so hard in this fame saturated world to not want credit for something. I am on a quest to be published and the question is why? For me, or for wanting to get God's word out to more people. Ouch. No one really likes to be around boastful people, like letting everyone know when they have achieved human greatness. "Let you virtues speak for themselves" a former Army boss used to say. John 3:30 says "He must increase but I must decrease" and isn't that the truth. God is the one who is to be exalted and get the glory for He gave you the abilities you possess. People who boast become self centered and often times arrogant, thinking it is all about them. Facebook and Instagram pose yet another challenge to the idea of boasting. Be careful. It is okay to share the life and times of yourself but take heed to not enter the realm of bragging. Everyone who uses this social network should be cautious in this area. Do you seek to give God the glory for things in your life? PRAYER: Forgive me Lord if I have ever thought more highly of myself than I should. I know it is you who have given me the skills I possess and help me to remember to give you the praise and glory. In Jesus' name. Amen. Click link for a song of worship: http://youtu.be/0RZTYDPavEY

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fallen World

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 Ever since Eve gave Adam the fruit in the Garden of Eden we have been a fallen world. A world of good and evil. Right versus wrong. Satan versus God. Even when we see the chaos going on around us we can rest assured that God has not abandoned His throne in the heavens. Once Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, sin entered into the world. Just think if there were not sin nobody would lock their cars or houses. There would be nothing but nice things on the evening news. There would be no jealousy, hatred, bitterness, anger, theft, fighting, killing, lying. Oh my goodness, it is hard to even imagine. A perfect utopia as God intended in the beginning. But with the fall and sin entering into the world we are constantly on our guard for more attacks from the modern day serpent, Satan,who is still working overtime weaving a sinister web of deception. Be on your guard my friend, for the enemy is roaming the Earth as it says in 1 Peter 5:8 "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." Don't let him deceive you. There is good and there is evil and that is that. PRAYER: Help me not be deceived by Satan Lord. Help me run away from evil and seek the truth. I pray for any of my friends or family who are being deceived. Set them free. In Jesus' name. Amen. Click link for a powerful song of praise to start your day. http://youtu.be/GsjJmk7tdk4

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Does It Take A Whale?

Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jonah 1:17

 Most Christians are familiar with the story of Jonah hiding from God because he did not like the task God wanted him to do and that was telling the people of Nineveh about their sin and telling them they needed to repent. We all probably know it is impossible to hide from God if He has a task He wants you to accomplish. You can run but you can't hide.

  Is there something deep down you feel God has been calling you to do but have failed to act upon it? I am not saying a huge fish is going to swallow you but God does want our obedience. Back about 1996 while living in Arizona and having an encounter on the way to ladies Bible study with a girl my friend and I later found out was at the domestic abuse shelter across from the church, I commented to my friend that I think I will park in a different parking lot next week. No matter where I parked though if God has something in my path, or your path, for you to do for the kingdom it will happen. It could be an encounter at the mall. Maybe someone at work. Perhaps a shopper in line at the grocery store. The waiter or waitress at a place you are eating.

Be ready and willing to be His servant no matter what the task. Is your heart prepared and willing for what God may have for you to do?

 PRAYER: Prepare my heart and soften it if necessary for the tasks you bring my way. Help me to be willing. Forgive me when I have run the other way in fear. Make me a bold and loving servant. In Jesus' name.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Growing Older? Rejoice!

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Isaiah 46:4 Our society is immersed in a young youth-like culture. If you are over a certain age at times you are made to feel ugly and not valuable. Commercials show men with gray hair but rarely a woman with gray hair. The advertisements for aging and getting rid of spots and sagging skin often have models who are probably not more than 40. Let's face it. If you listen to 'Madison Avenue' advertising and marketing you feel washed up if you are over the age of 45. First off just because you are getting up there in years is no reason to quit on things you enjoy. Even retirement is not actually in the Bible. Now I am not judging those of you who are enjoying this time of life but only stating God has a purpose for you no matter what stage of life you are in. It is not necessary to look youthful to be youthful. If you like your job keep your job. If you want to go ride a roller coaster go do it. If you want to swing in the park, go ahead. Don't stop living because of a date on the calendar or society telling you it is not proper. Wherever you are, however 'young' you may be, God is the source of your strength. He loves you and has a plan for you no matter what your birth year is. Go one, enjoy your life! PRAYER: Thank you for the blessing of each year of life you have given me. You have a plan for every age. I am thankful for the gift of good health and pray for those who may be shut in. Guard my heart from comparing myself to people in the world who portray a different image than you do Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

No Disconnect

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.John 15:4- Ever notice what happens when you pull weeds? In a few hours they are shriveled up. Reason? They have been 'disconnected' from their source of nourishment in the Earth where they received vitamins, minerals, and water to grow. Once they were disconnected from this source of nutrients they were laying there dead. Our life is like a vine, plant, or weed in the sense that as long as we stay 'connected' to Jesus through reading His word The Bible, we flourish and bloom. There may be times when we do not get the water from the word, so to speak, and wilt. If you ever pick flowers and put them in a vase of water, the longer you keep fresh water in there the longer the blooms will last. Of course they are cut off or 'disconnected' from their source, so too will eventually need to be thrown out. Are you 'disconnected' from things of the Lord? Does He really take first place in your life not just on Sunday? Maybe you could care less about more than Sunday or don't even do that. My friend today is the day to get reconnected to Jesus. He loves you. He always has. PRAYER: I want to always be connected to you, your people, and your church Lord. Forgive me when I have gone my own way or chose to not honor the Sabbath Day. I know Lord it takes more than Sunday. Guide me to walk as you walk and love as you love. In Jesus' name. Amen. Click link for a wonderful song of worship: https://youtu.be/E0K_cwy81tg

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Perfect Sunflower

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.Ephesians 4:15 Summer has been brutal in much of the country. Even parts of the country normally getting milder temperatures have had a few heat waves. Rain is an essential ingredient to keep things lush, growing,blooming, and green especially in times of immense heat. My neighbor has a beautiful single tall sunflower growing. I noticed when we did not get rain for days it sort of looked droopy, then voila. After a couple of days of a good downpour it sprung back to life. Our spirits are like that. If we claim to know the Lord and call ourselves Christians we can not expect to 'grow and bloom' for the kingdom in 'drought like' conditions. By this I mean starving yourself of 'spiritual nourishment' you receive by 'feeding' and 'watering' your spiritual side daily. To 'grow' to be more like Christ you have to stay 'nourished'. Are you getting your spiritual food daily? If you think the Bible is just some ancient text reserved for preachers and priests, think again. It is life giving and has the answers to many of life's problems. If you have not made a habit of indulging yourself in God's word why not begin today by starting to read the 8th book of Proverbs since it is the 8th. The tomorrow read the 9th and so on. Soon you will feel yourself 'springing' to life again. PRAYER: Each day brings time management challenges. In planning my day help me Lord to not listen to voices that say I don't need you till Sunday. I choose to start now to grow up in Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Wow!! What A Rainbow!

And I will remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh. “When the bow is in the cloud, then I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” Genesis 9:15-16 One of my favorite things to look at is a beautiful rainbow in the sky after a storm. Sometimes if you are fortunate the rainbow is double.The rainbow is one of God's most beautiful amazing gifts to us. I am quite sure atheists would try to find a scientific way to explain it. It is a sign of a promise from God according to the scripture verse for today. Recently I saw a rainbow over a waterfall at Yellowstone National Park and what a sight it was! When things are rough and seems like the problems never end just remember that tomorrow will come and as they said in 'Gone With The Wind' "Tomorrow is another day". I don't know about you but I am thankful for the tomorrows that are ahead. Tomorrows give a chance for new beginnings, do overs, and new rainbows to appear. Hope springs anew on each new day. What is it you are waiting for today? Keep looking up and keep searching for rainbows in your life. PRAYER: Thanks for the rainbows you create for us to gaze upon. I thank you for what their promise holds. Give me the ability to be more positive and stay hopeful always. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Forgive? Who Me??

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.Matthew 18:21-22 Has someone hurt you? Maybe they do not even know it. Have you hurt someone else? Maybe you lashed out in a verbal tirade and wounded a friend or family member or perhaps it was a total stranger such as a telemarketer interrupting your supper, again. Perhaps you overreacted to something and wish you could rewind the tape and take it back. Many things factor in to people hurting others either intentionally or unintentionally. Personality differences are a big one. Also there is a saying "Hurting people hurt people" and there is lots of truth to that. There may be a case of jealousy. Whatever the situation we are called to forgive others. Let things go. Move on. Blow it off. Don't stew over something or try to figure it out. Capture the good in life and let go of the not so good. Pray for those who have hurt you according to Matthew 5:44. Do yourself a favor and forgive. It is best for all parties involved. PRAYER: It is easy to be angry. It is easy to be hurt. It is easy to hate. I choose this day to forgive anyone in my life who has hurt me or held a grudge against me for no particular reason. I know I can only grow closer to you when I release this person to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Still Walking That Walk?

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7 It sometimes occurs to me that devotions may be in a sense 'preaching to the choir' as those who are wandering around lost probably have no real desire to read 'religious' things. The Holy Spirit though does have a way of drawing those that are lost to **Him and does it in 'accidental' ways at times. Shoving Jesus down someone's throat only serves to actually drive them further away from Him and intimidate them. My question to those who have accepted Christ as their savior is "Are you still walking with Him daily?" It is easy to let the cares of the world and busyness of daily life put things of the Lord on the back burner. I recently returned from vacation and it is especially challenging when away from home to have a quiet time. Make it your goal daily to purpose in your heart that you will arrange your schedule each day so as to allow the Lord to have first place. if you have a spouse that is less than interested you can still do your own thing and may set an example in doing so. Don't do it to prove anything or show off but do it because you love Jesus. When you walk daily with the Lord you will find that the things that trouble you are not so dominant and you will be better able to praise God even in a storm of life. PRAYER: I love being able to walk with you daily Lord. I thank you for freedom to do so. Many people in many nations do not have that freedom. Help me not to waste this freedom and to use it. Forgive me for when I have put you last and not first. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Slow Down, Smell The Roses

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19 For as long as I can remember I have been told by many people to slow down. My roomie in the Army even got me a book entitled "Slow Me Down Lord". When we rush through everything we can tend to make mistakes, not think things through, be impulsive, or rush to judgement. None of these are a good thing. For those of us who are speedy it is a challenge to slow down. There are many things in life that can be missed if time is not taken to ponder, think, and pray. It is not necessary to make decisions right on the spot. It is often not wise to speak at your first opportunity. Better to stop, think, and pray. I often think today's verse would be ideal for newlyweds to commit to memory for the days and challenges that lie ahead of them. Take inventory of your life. Do you take time to enjoy life? Also do you insure you wait before jumping head over heels into something and weigh the facts and the impact it will have? PRAYER: Slow me down Lord. Help me to learn to appreciate the beauty of your world. I especially need to ponder my words before they pop out of my mouth. Give me your strength Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Someone Is Watching You

"For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war." 2 Chronicles 16:9 Do you realize when you go anywhere there is someone watching you? If you claim to know the Lord, are you a good representative of His or if He were to appear would you be ashamed of your words or actions? Think on that for a moment. The verse above was on a birthday card I received several years ago and was imprinted in my memory. Think about God's eyes roaming the Earth because they really are. He is always watching you. Other people watch you when you are out and about as well. Do your actions bring glory or shame to the kingdom of God? Even in your own home your actions should be a testimony to the Lord because your family deserved the best. When you go out in your little world today realize you are are a representative of Jesus Christ and there is someone always watching. It could be that grandchild, a student, a co worker, your children, a spouse, a friend, or a total stranger. Are you setting a good example? PRAYER: Father I want to be a great example for the kingdom of God. Forgive me when I have not acted kindly towards others especially within my own home. Help me to shine for you each and every day and always remember to be able to give an answer for the reason of hope and joy I have should someone ask. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Turn Their Hearts

"Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:22 When you are driving you turn your steering wheel in order to go left or right and get on a different course on the road ahead. Turns are an important part of our life. If we are walking and do not eventually make a turn we may run into people, go off a cliff, walk into a wall, or walk in front of a moving vehicle. Turning is part of our life. There may be those people in your life you have been praying for that they would turn from evil to good or perhaps your prayer has been for this nation or the world to turn from its' wicked ways and heed the voice of the Lord.To turn requires action not passivity. Turning requires desire to perform the act of turning. To turn is to go another route. Are you satisfied in your own life that you are headed in the right direction or is it time for you to turn back to Jesus? PRAYER: Father if I am headed in the wrong direction help me get turned around and turn my heart to you. I pray for those in my family who may not be headed in your direction as well that their hearts would be turned towards you. Help me to keep on keeping on and watching for the next turn ahead. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Desert Ground Or Thriving?

I cared for you in the wilderness, In the land of drought. Hosea 13:5 In my life I have been blessed to get to live in the desert a couple times and I absolutely loved it. "What are you crazy Becky?" you might say. The desert is not only a wonderful place to be when winter hits back in the East and Midwest,  but is gorgeous with flowers blooming. It holds many unique and lovely sites. In order for the desert to be able to have crops, grass, and drinking water it is necessary to have irrigation and canals bringing water in since annual rainfall is limited. The desert for early pioneers was harsh and arid because they did not have a source of water yet.  In life you can have desert experiences where you may feel God is far away or not hearing your prayer. Perhaps you have prayed for a loved one who is wandering  in a 'desert experience' of sorts seemingly far from God or not hearing His voice. God does hear our prayers and He can and will get you or that loved one out of this time wandering in the desert. You need only keep believing and keep trusting and above all never lose hope. Those 'flowers' will eventually bloom in the desert of life. Where are you today my friend? You may be caught up in a desert and feel there is no water for miles and no one cares. God cares and he is there for those who thirst in a dry and weary land. Run to Him as your source of living water. PRAYER: Thank you Lord for helping me walk out of the 'desert experiences' in my life and be set free to bloom again. In Jesus' name.Amen.