Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jonah 1:17
Most Christians are familiar with the story of Jonah hiding from God because he did not like the task God wanted him to do and that was telling the people of Nineveh about their sin and telling them they needed to repent. We all probably know it is impossible to hide from God if He has a task He wants you to accomplish. You can run but you can't hide.
Is there something deep down you feel God has been calling you to do but have failed to act upon it? I am not saying a huge fish is going to swallow you but God does want our obedience. Back about 1996 while living in Arizona and having an encounter on the way to ladies Bible study with a girl my friend and I later found out was at the domestic abuse shelter across from the church, I commented to my friend that I think I will park in a different parking lot next week. No matter where I parked though if God has something in my path, or your path, for you to do for the kingdom it will happen. It could be an encounter at the mall. Maybe someone at work. Perhaps a shopper in line at the grocery store. The waiter or waitress at a place you are eating.
Be ready and willing to be His servant no matter what the task.
Is your heart prepared and willing for what God may have for you to do?
PRAYER: Prepare my heart and soften it if necessary for the tasks you bring my way. Help me to be willing. Forgive me when I have run the other way in fear. Make me a bold and loving servant. In Jesus' name.
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