Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Anger Breaks Things

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

I am sure we have all been in situations where our anger could boil over if we did not get control over it. When we are the recipient of someone’s anger that too is a time to exercise self control as to stop the fuse from lighting even more. 

Emotions are an area of life where we have to make up our mind we will learn when to respond and when to just be quiet. Sometimes the less said the better. If you are a person with anger issues try to be kind no matter what. No one has the right to tear someone to shreds with words. If you have been guilty of doing this say to a friend or a spouse(ouch) by all means go apologize and seek forgiveness and mend the relationship now before it festers to something worse.

There are those folks who are able to handle this area of life with no problem as they are by nature gentle and kind souls but others because of what ever issues grating on them can explode and be unkind for no reason. Jesus wants us to show love and be at peace.

Be able to forgive and not blame. Do not intentionally try to provoke anger or start a battle. Be calm and just ask God to help you if this is an area you are struggling with. If you are a victim of someone’s anger then pray for them. 

PRAYER: Love is the key to having a nice relationship no matter with friends, spouse, co workers or strangers. I know Lord anger is from the pit of hell and I do not want it in my life. Help me Lord to look for good things and treat all people kind. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Good Goes Around

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.Ephesians 4:32

When I used to work for Delta Air Lines their motto was 'Good Goes Around'. Good truly does go around.When you are nice to someone it has a way of trickling down and helping others be nice. Also when someone
is kind to you the reaction is a big huge smile. 

One day I was in Target and a lady behind me gave the clerk a single penny to help me with my bill.Yes it was just a penny but it was thought that counts. Maybe you have done this for someone as well. Perhaps it was even a quarter, a dollar or their entire bill! It just makes me feel good to go behind
the call of city.

Today do something unexpected for someone. You could be in a coffee shop and decide to pay for the person behind you. Treat a friend to lunch even if it is not their birthday. Give an unexpected gift. Write a letter to your mom or dad if they are still alive. Today let this be a good day where you spread goodness to others. 

PRAYER: Help me Lord to think of others and find ways to show kindness throughout my day. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Get Unstuck

 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40:2

Move on and don't camp out with your problems or your past. Dwelling on the things you have no control over is a dead end street. It is necessary to pull yourself out of the mire holding you down and taking you captive. It is as if you had fallen in a pit and are unable to free yourself.

The good news is God can free you and get you unstuck. You do not have to drag your feet and think there is no hope. Hope is alive because of Jesus!

Is there an area of your life you need freedom from? Run to God and he will lift you up.

PRAYER: You indeed Lord are my hope and my salvation. I trust in you so forgive me when I have let
the enemy keep me in bondage. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link for a song of hope:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fly Like An Eagle

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
The eagle is such a majestic creature. When our family lived in the Mississippi River community of Bettendorf, Iowa, nearby Rock Island Arsenal, which is an island in the middle of the Mississippi River, was a winter habitat for hundreds of bald eagles. The dam there provided an excellent source of fish. These eagles would be waiting in the trees to swoop down and get a meal. I have seen Eagles in Alaska too but never willI forget the sight of them there on the river between Illinois and Iowa.
The eagle is a powerful bird. We are to be like the eagle according to this verse. The eagle can swoop and soar and never appear fatigued. It takes care of it's young back in the nest and trains them to eventually leave on go fly on their own.
Do you feel powerful like an eagle? Can you wait upon God and His timing in certain things or do you forge ahead without guidance? Waiting involves praying, trusting, and meditating on His words. Our hope never ends when we have the Lord on our side. Be strong like the eagle and run your race to win and never quit!
PRAYER: Help me Lord as I choose to soar like an eagle and not just stay in the safety of my 'nest'. I know your plans for me are good and perfect. I trust you Lord. Thank you for watching me and guiding me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dominate The Darkness

Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

We are living in dark times here in America. Not dark in the sense of the dark ages but dark in the sense lies are being passed off as truth and so many are falling for Satan's schemes and tricks. The Bible warns us about this deception. 

The schemes of the enemy are subtle at times and he even tricks people who claim to walk with Christ. We are indeed in spiritual warfare and we as believers need to be taking control and dominating the darkness of this present world. Some things we used to be able to speak up against we are now being called hateful or wrong. Laws are passed to make things legal but that does not make them right in the sight of God. This is why it is essential those who name the name of Jesus to know the truth found in the word of God. 

Isaiah 5:20 says "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Sometimes what is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular. Not sure where I heard that but it holds much truth. Stand up for the truth. Stand against the schemes of the enemy of our souls. 

Are you running with the side of Jesus or running away from Him? 

PRAYER: Lord help me know the truth for the truth does indeed set me free like your word says. Help me to recognize the lies of Satan and to speak out for the truth. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Click link for an awesome praise song:

Monday, January 26, 2015

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

There is a familiar hymn about focusing on Jesus and the problems of the world seem to fade away that is the same title as my title today.  This is a very true statement. When you are hurt turn to Jesus. When you are joyful turn to Jesus. Keep looking to Him and not at issues that surround you. 

One of the ways to stay focused on positive things and to be able to 'look up' when you feel like 'looking down' is to stay positive. You can do this by saying affirming things out loud. Positive confessions spoken out loud help cure many ills. If you tune in to God the cares of the world seem to fade. What good does sitting around speculating about what might happen going to do? Answer. Nothing. So what is the alternative? Speaking God's word out loud and letting them get down in your spirit. I guarantee you if you do this you will feel better. No matter what the situation, turn it over to God.

Here are just a few good positive scriptures to read out loud.You may not be where you can speak out loud and if not still read them but later when alone read them out loud.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.  See 2 Corinthians 5:21
I am the head and not the tail. See  Deuteronomy 28:13
My children shall rise up and call me blessed(for moms)  See Proverbs 31:28
I am precious in God's sight.  See  Isaiah 43:4
I will run and not be weary. See Isaiah 40:31
 I will resist Satan and he has to flee. See James 4:7
God has a plan for my life. See Jeremiah 29:11
 My children will not depart from the godly training they received. See Proverbs 22:6
 I can do all things through him who gives me strength. See Philippians 4:13
 No weapon formed against me shall prosper. See Isaiah 54:17
 I will give God my worries as he cares for me. See 1 Peter 5:7
 He is my shelter in a storm. See Isaiah 25:4
 God is my help in times of trouble. See  Psalm 46:1
 God will direct my path. See Proverbs 3:5-6
 I am not afraid because God is with me. See Psalm 23
 I am not afraid of what mere man can do to me. Psalm 118:6

Saying things out loud helps. Try it.  When you know that you know that you know that God is in control and say so, what reason do you have to keep looking down?

PRAYER: Father I want to lean on you for freedom from doubt and worry. Help me not listen to wrong or negative messages but to fill my head with good and positive thoughts and Bible verses. I am thankful you are in control. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Click link for wonderful song to start your Monday:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Caution: Bridge Freezes Before Roadway

Be clearheaded. Keep alert. Your accuser, the devil, is on the prowl like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Winter is upon us here where I live. We in the south do not get the brunt of winter weather like folks do in my native state of Ohio or even in Iowa or Illinois  where I used to live. Never the less, when it comes in the form of frozen precipitation you need to slow down driving and stay off the roads entirely if possible during icy conditions. The familiar sign you see before crossing a bridge on the highway is the same as my title. Be careful. I have seen cars hit the bridge and spin out so it is not a joke. 

Our life has cautions and warnings too found in God's word if only we would be wise enough to become familiar with the Bible and heed His advice. He is all wise and tries to shelter us if only we were not so stubborn and wanted our own way all the time. Satan is real and he is roaming around trying to deceive and destroy us. His tricks and lies are many and he has subjects on earth that do his work for him some knowingly and others not so much. There is evil and there is good, period. Satan is evil and God is good. Satan lies and schemes and God is truthful. Who do you choose? We can not have our feet in both worlds. 

Today if you know deep down in your heart what is right and wrong then tell Satan to get behind you as you plan to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. 

PRAYER: Lord you are good all the time. I know Satan is out there working in all facets of our lives from the school house to the White House. Help me be discerning of his tricks and stand on the promises of God. Help me not be led astray by the lies of the enemy. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Self Control In 2015

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

Did you make a list of things you wanted to accomplish in 2015? Some may call them resolutions but it could be a list of goals. Are there any character traits within yourself you would like do have tweaked a bit? 

One I often think of is self control. Self control involves many things. It could be knowing when to put down your fork so you do not overeat. It could be knowing when to not talk so you do not cause a dispute. It could be knowing when to let well enough alone. It is basically just what it says...controlling your self. Self is always wherever you go. You can not get away from you. It is not necessary to always be the center of attention so at times we have to control the 'self monster' and this too would  be  self control. Self control would be not bragging when you feel like you want people to know something. I am sure if you ponder this subject awhile you can make your own list of ways you need to have self control in your life. 

God in fact can help you develop that self control. The urge to do things your own way can often result in disaster. No self control driving you end up with speeding tickets. No self control when it comes to alcohol consumption you could end up in Alcoholics Anonymous or with broken relationships. Indeed it is good to develop this 'fruit of the Spirit' in your life. Pause for a moment and ask God to show you areas in your life that need a dose of self control. 

PRAYER: Lord I want to be controlled by you not by myself. When self is on the throne things are not always the way they should be. I want you on the throne of my life Lord and in all my interactions with people grant me self control. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

He Opened Not His Mouth

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth;he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth. Isaiah 53:7

Are you the kind who likes to get the last word be it in a dispute or just in general? Let's say someone has made you angry somewhere and in many cases self control is needed so you do not end up being reported to the police or fired from your job. Perhaps as a kid you were made fun of or bullied and you sort of just took it. Sometimes keeping our mouth closed is the best option.

Imagine Jesus hanging on the cross for a moment. He got spit on, stripped of his clothes, whipped, yelled at ,yet he took it and he did so for you and me. In the recent blockbuster true film, 'Unbroken' the character of Louis Zamperini was imprisoned in a Japanese POW camp and greatly abused. God was definitely with him to help him survive the immense amount of abuse and torture. 

The way to go through life is to listen more and speak less. Believe me I need to do this more often. Opening your mouth could cause more trouble than good. Trying to prove your point is not always best. Jesus is the greatest example of someone who suffered more than we could imagine yet He kept quiet. What he did say was "Forgive them for they know not what they do". Could you and I do that? How about we at least try. 

PRAYER: I want to be more like you Jesus in the way I act, think, and talk. Guide me Lord and give me the strength to not always say things when it is n it necessary. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Spiritual Health Check Up In 2015

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.  1 Timothy 4:8

How many of you get an annual physical at your doctor? If you don't you should. This helps maintain an awareness of how we are doing health wise and perhaps things we need to look out for. Many times things can be nipped in the bud, so to speak, if you find out about them early on. 

Our spiritual fitness is important probably even more than our physical health. This is not to say you have license to go overeat and become obese and get a host of medical problems that come along with ignoring physical fitness, but only to emphasize that staying in spiritual health and getting daily tune ups is essential for growing in Christ and warding off attacks from the enemy, Satan. 

At the start of each new year is a good time to begin new habits. If you are lazy when it comes to the discipline of time alone with God then why not take inventory and see what you need to do to make Him and His word really come alive in your heart and life. I am not saying in a ritualistic way of simply attending weekly church or a Bible class or prayer group, which are all worthy, but of going beyond to strengthen yourself  in knowing the word of God. Keeping grounded in God's word is good when you face all sorts of trials that may come your way. Take your Bible with you to coffee shops or on the airplane if you travel. Do not be ashamed to get it out and read and study it. 

Maybe to do this you may have to turn off the morning show on television. Put off checking your Facebook status first thing in the morning. Perhaps you will need to set your alarm to get up earlier so you have time with Him before leaving home each day. Whatever it is commit to spiritual fitness in 2015 and beyond.

PRAYER: Lord many times I do everything else but sit down to be still long enough to pray and read your word. I want that to stop. I choose to not make excuses and to do what is necessary to grow in Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What Is More Important Than God?

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
Is anything in your life more important than God? Your family? A hobby? City Life? Television? Fame? Sports activity? Only you can honestly answer this question. There is a verse in Matthew 6:31 that says "For where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Often times looking at a person's checkbook register will tell where their heart is. Think about that for a moment. Do you give to things of the Lord at all and if you do is it because you desire too or feel obligated. Where is your heart?

 This is not saying we can not like and enjoy other things but if they are all consuming and take you away from things of the Lord perhaps they need to be thought out. Sure you love your family but we are not to love family more than God. If you love God deeply you will truly love your family in the proper way as well.

Ask yourself what you truly treasure and what you truly desire to do. Make sure spending time alone with God and having fellowship is in there somewhere. If it is not perhaps it is time to rethink your priorities and get a 'heart transplant'.

PRAYER: Lord I do love you. I do not ever want to let other things rule my life. I want you in the center and do not want to simply say it but let it be evident to those around me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Let God Be Your Guide

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

My youngest son used to have a summer job as a River Guide or in other words he paddled through up to Class 4 and 5 Rapids and insured the safety of his passengers. Their job was to listen and heed his advice, as this is a dangerous activity  and it is essential you listen to your guide.

God is our guide in life. If you heed the instructions in His guidebook, the Bible, things will go more smoothly than if you go it your own way. If you do a word study of verses in the Bible pertaining to guidance you will find around 75 verses. He guides, instructs, and teaches if only we would listen. Sometimes when we refuse to listen we suffer the consequences.

A guide helps you to stay on the right path of only you listen. When we do not listen what is the use of having a guide. God is that guide and His instructions are found in pages of scripture. We must open them up and read and study them to find out where things to do to stay on His path in life.

PRAYER: Thank you for being my guide 24/7. At times I have fallen short and gone my own way but you are there to instruct me again and welcome me back to your fold. Forgive me for the times I have not paid attention to what you are teaching me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, January 19, 2015

I Have A Dream

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20

Today is celebrated as Martin Luther King Jr. day here in the United States. In his famous speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, he said "I have a dream" relating to all races living in harmony and black skin people to be treated the same as white skin people. He was a peaceful man who made a point that still echoes today as the dream continues to be fulfilled. 

Everyone should have a dream of some sort to keep them moving ahead and not giving up. It may not be a dream for equality but a dream or hope for the future. Dreams keep us looking ahead and focused. Dreams give us hope. 

What is your dream? What are you doing to work towards fulfilling that dream? The best thing you could do is to be pray and not lose hope, ever! 

PRAYER: Lord help me not lose sight of dreams and to keep pressing on for the future. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Patience, Patience

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

I am known by many as the 'energizer bunny'. I spring out and take off sometimes not meaning to leave others behind. Sometimes perfect strangers say to me, "slow down, you are wearing me out" or "slow down, you are making others look bad." I just have an abundance of energy and am thankful for it even though sometimes the wisecracks from folks hurt me just a bit. I am grateful God has given this energy to me. I have had people say, "No more caffeine for you!" 
When you are energetic sometimes it can work in your detriment too if you do not take time to stop, wait, and think things through. I am getting better at it, but it takes discipline and practice. Even if you are not bubbling over with energy you may still be impatient. Patience is a fruit of the spirit. Waiting is actually a good thing and God has a purpose in it. Rushing things often brings disastrous results. We can do things we later regret.

If this area of waiting and being patient is hard for you, go to God in prayer and let Him hear your heart. Do not try to 'play God' and rush things along as it only gets you into a pit you have a hard time escaping from. Just learn to wait. 

PRAYER: I need patience and need it right now, is the comical prayer some may have prayed. Patience often comes through trials so prepare my heart for anything I need to go through while I develop patience. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

What Me......Worry?

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:27

It was the Mad Magazine character Alfred E. Neuman who used to say "What Me, Worry?"  Many people say they don't worry but  really do. Is it possible to get a grip on this area in life? The answer is yes, but you have to want to. 

There may be moms  who fret when their children are at school they will be hurt. Or possibly adult moms constantly wanting to hear from their adult children to insure they are okay. Life can't be lived in this fashion and stay peaceful. 

Try not carrying your phone everywhere 'just in case' there is an emergency. Back in the day before 24/7 mobile intrusion we were doing fine so why not now. If you really want to be worry free go on with life not wondering about all the bad that 'might' happen. Worrying won't change the future but will make your present life miserable and stressed. It has been said worry and stress are linked to illnesses. Do you want to have a calm spirit and trust God?  Do what it says in 1 Peter 5:7 and truly "cast(throw) your cares on Him." 

PRAYER: I don't want to be known as a worrier.  I want to be a warrior on my knees who trusts you for things going on and realize I can not change things or predict the future. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Choose Your Path

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. Matthew 7:13

In the movie 'The Wizard of Oz'  the lead character Dorothy played by the late actress Judy Garland,  is told to "follow the yellow brick road" in order to arrive at Emerald City where she will find 'the great and powerful Oz' to help her return to Kansas. She follows this road and does reach The Land of Oz. Road maps, if followed, also lead us to specific destinations. We have to decide where it is we are going and choose the correct route.

Our life is like a map of sorts. You can choose to stay on the path of life outlined by God or the path of devastation and sin implemented by Satan. A life where God is followed will not be without problems but it will be one with joy, grace, and hope.  On the other hand, our enemy likes to set traps along the path he wants you to choose. He is out to trip you up so you do not succeed and fall into a pit of destruction instead. All he will do is mock you for believing his lies.

Which path do you intend to choose? Only you can decide. 

PRAYER: Thanks Lord for preparing the way for me and helping me and guiding me to choose wisely. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Positive Speaking

For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. Matthew 12:37

Do you catch yourself saying any of the following negative speech? 
I am just going to be fat.
          I can't lose weight as I am too old.
I am a worrier.
You know how it is when you get old. 
I  am too old to look for work.
My joints ache cause I am old. 
I hate winter. 
I can never get ahead. 
I hate summer. 
I can't get well. 
They will never hire me.

Okay you see what I  am getting at. Negative speech can become a habit that you may not even be aware you are doing. Positive speaking is what God wants us to do. Don't criticize your self. Don't say you are unable to do something. Satan is the one who puts negativity in your heart. Beat him at his game.
The more you get in the habit of saying positive statements the more you will start to believe them. Why put yourself down by your own words. God is a positive God not a negative one. Do not fall into the trap of digging a hole for yourself by making  'wrong confessions' out of your mouth.
Try this. Get up and say positive things. Call things as not as though they were as it says in Romans 4:17. Try to get negative, derogatory, or unloving speech out of your vocabulary and instead focus on saying things like "something good is going to happen to me today!" 
PRAYER: Lord I have said condemning things before about myself but I know at any age you have good things in store. I know no matter what your plan for me is wonderful and I can do all things with your help. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 1 
Timothy 4:15

Do you work whole heartedly at what you do? If you represent Christ you should want to do your work in an honorable manner being trustworthy and diligent. In other words, you keep at it and go beyond the call of duty. Don't just do enough to get by but go beyond what is expected on your 'job description'. Our job should be to work hard for the Lord whatever our task is. (See Colossians 3:23). 

Do you suppose people see you as a go getter, mediocre, or a slacker? A good rule of thumb would be to work hard as if Jesus was right there or better yet that you were doing it for Him. Set an example for believers and non believers alike.

Today whatever you find yourself doing whether anyone sees you or not, know this, that Jesus' always see you so be diligent and charge on with a good attitude.

PRAYER: Lord I want to please you in all that I do. I choose to not be lazy but to work hard and set an example. I want to shine for you. In Jesus' name.Amen. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

What do you think of when you hear the word 'through'? I think of it meaning you are done with something, complete, finished. The word 'through' is used many times in God's word. For instance in the key verse for today, it says you pass "through" the valley of the shadow of death  or in other words you do not stay there or camp out there but soon will be done with that valley, finished, complete. 

No matter what situation you find yourself having to endure you will pass 'through' and there will be a brighter tomorrow. No one is stuck where they are. "We will get through this" you might hear someone say. Indeed we will get 'through' and to the other side.

Keep praying, keep believing and do not give into doubt and fear. Pass through your situation with faith and hope for a brighter tomorrow.

PRAYER: Thanks Lord for seeing me through so many things in my life. I have overreacted in the past and for that I ask forgiveness. I choose to trust you as I hang on to hope. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, January 12, 2015

God 'Likes' You And Won't Unfriend You

Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Psalm 27:10

I am trying to get beyond the unfriending thing on Facebook. Just the other day I noticed I no longer could contact someone and noted they have removed me from their friends list. Perhaps they deactivated their account all together. It is kind of funny in someways to think this type of 'friend' thing really holds that much weight. But being unfriended is rejection no matter what the reason was.

Just remember this. God never rejects you. God loves you unconditionally. You can never drive God nutty. God does not say "You're stalking me". God does not say "Respect my boundaries".  God does not say "Get out of my face". Above all God cares and understands.. Sure His heart breaks when we do not obey Him and when we reject Him but He is waiting for you with arms wide open.

Are you hurting today because of any form of rejection? Just know God loves you more than anything. Go to Him in prayer and let Him take your scars and turn them into stars.

PRAYER: Father I thank you so much for loving me. Humans can hurt us and that makes you sad. Help me to grow despite any pain of rejection I have experienced in my lifetime. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Wear Your Hat

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

Recently it got frigidly cold here in the mid south. I'm a northern girl and I can deal with it but many Southern natives don't even wear a hat or gloves when the temperature plummets to below freezing. While I was writing this it was spitting snow flurries here in Huntsville, Alabama yet I saw few people with a cap or gloves on to keep warm. 

In our walk with the Lord we too need to stay protected. This 'protection' comes from knowing and studying God's word and being able to use it against our enemy, Satan, when he throws his fiery darts at us. Darts of doubt, fear, illness, worry, pride, confusion, bitterness, jealously, and a host more. Get into the Bible and memorize verses you can speak out loud to the enemy when he tries to lie to you and take you down the wrong path. God's path leads to life and Satan's path leads to destruction. Which do you prefer? 

Just like a person is ill equipped to fight off the winter chill without proper clothing, we too as believers will have a hard time fighting our enemy if we do not know the word of God.
Satan tricks us into thinking Sunday for one hour is enough. It is indeed a good thing to do but you have to do way more to grow in Christ and be prepared for daily spiritual battles. Make this year the year you choose to know more about Jesus and protect yourself from enemy attacks.

PRAYER: Lord you are good,all the time. I have been guilty of not spending time with you and I want that to stop. When the enemy tries to get me to make excuses I choose to say to him, "man can not live by bread alone"! In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Let Go Of Hurts

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Take it from one who has been there, done that, got the tee shirt so to speak, when someone has hurt you don't waste time dwelling on it. That my friend would be Satan's wish for you to keep dragging an issue into the ground. It is necessary to forget the  past and forge ahead. Stop nursing pain and hurt and get beyond it to victory!
Some types of hurts may require professional Christian counseling to deal with, so by all means, depending on your issue, do not neglect to go talk it out and get help if necessary. But if we are talking about a friend who has hurt you, your choice is to talk to God in prayer. Begging someone only drives a wedge and keeps them away from you. Get involved in someone else's life or find a place you can volunteer to help others such as a shelter,  hospital, nursing home and go beyond yourself.
The time may come in your life when you realize the hard thing you had to endure worked together for the good like it says in Romans 8:28. Get on your knees and pray for God to release you from being tormented by those who hold your emotions captive. You can not move forward if you constantly look over your shoulder and wonder what you could do to make something better.
PRAYER: I choose this day to let go of emotions or hurts that have a grip on me. I know they are from the enemy so this day I choose to look beyond the past. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Ah, That New Car Smell

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

Recently I was blessed to get a brand new car. For anyone who has ever owned a new car there is a distinct smell that kind of gets you excited every time step in to drive. Friends like to pop their head in the door just to get a whiff of this new car smell.

When things are new they are always nice and we tend to treat them with kid gloves. With a car you may park it far away so no one 'dings' the car doors. Perhaps you hand wash it weekly so as not to take it through those brush car washes that could scratch it. Maybe you do not want anyone eating or drinking in the vehicle so as to not risk getting seats soiled. 

When you are a new Christian you can get super excited too. I remember for me the day in 1975 when I rededicated my life to Christ. I was hungry for God's word. I got a brand new Bible with many neat features in the back to help me grow in Christ. I was ministered to by the Navigators ministry and later Campus Crusade for Christ and Officer's Christian Fellowship. I was hungry to be with God's people and grow in Christ. I got thrilled about going on retreats and to Bible study. It was new and fresh. 

Just like a new car,if you want to continue to grow and stay strong, you have to keep getting overjoyed every day to take care to study the word of God. Do not allow things of this world to drag you away so maybe all you are doing is one hour on Sunday. Keep that new Christian fervor alive and do not fall for tricks of the enemy to get you derailed. 

PRAYER: Lord I love your word. It is my meditation day and night. There have been times when I got off course but I am thankful you were there with open arms to rescue me and draw me back to you. In Jesus' name . Amen.

Click on link to worship the Lord in song:

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Life Seeking God

Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6

Often times when people are in danger of losing their life they may utter a prayer such as "If you get me out of this Lord I will serve you the rest of my life!" Many refer to this as the 'fox hole prayer' since soldiers in combat who face terrifying danger all around them and the threat of capture and torture or death,often utter this prayer.

The recent movie 'Unbroken', which is the true story of the life of Louis Zamperini who was an Olympic Runner in Hitler's day and later an airman whose plane went down and after many days floating in a life-raft on the Java Sea, was taken to a Japanese Prisoner of War camp. Life was brutal and the prisoners treatment was enough to make anyone give up. Do yourself a favor and go see this excellent film that is still playing currently in theaters. He did pray this prayer while a captive. He did not follow Jesus right away after being released but through a series of 'God thing' events came to know Jesus' as His savior and later took up mantle of forgiveness of his captors and all but one forgave him. Only God could bring this about. 

When you are seeking God with your whole heart you do have love and forgiveness for those who have hurt you. You realize there is more to life than just you and what you want. Your mission is to serve the Lord with gladness and be a witness for Him. Indeed up until his death this past summer Louis did just that and even became friends with evangelist Billy Graham.  Are you seeking God full steam ahead? If not, do not wait until tragedy strikes to do so. 

PRAYER: Lord I love you and I am thankful for all you have done for me. I thank you for offering the free gift of salvation to all those who call upon you. Help me to show love for all people and be aware that tomorrow is never promised to me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link for a song of worship to get your day started:

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Clean Slate 2015

Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18

 Many younger readers may say "what is a slate"? A slate was what was used in cowboy days, like is depicted in 'Little House on the Prairie' TV series, in school to write on, before chalkboards and dry erase boards. When I was in grade school I loved having the task at end of class of beating the erasers to clean them out. Baby boomers will know exactly what I mean. When you use chalk, you erased the board with a felt eraser and at end of day the residue of chalk had to be removed. You did this by beating them on perhaps the outside wall of the school. Okay do not go pull my covered wagon up curbside as I am not a relic.

The beginning of a new year is an opportunity to start all over. The perfect break in things to sort of say, "things will be different this year." For this reason many make resolutions  or set goals of what they hope to achieve in the 12 months ahead of them. The days are all fresh and new things are in store.  For this reason you often hear people say "I am beginning with a clean slate" or in other words the future has not been written yet and there is a chance to begin anew and 'right' the  wrongs and forget and forgive.

New years are indeed exciting. This beginning could probably begin anytime during the year but it seems the start of a new year is always ideal for getting started. Is there something you want to start, in this year?Now is the time to not hold onto the past and charge on for what adventures lie ahead. You have a brand new clean slate.

PRAYER: I get excited about the prospect of having this time of year to really set new goals. Help me Lord to let go of things that have been anchors dragging me down and to embrace the future and what it holds. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click Link below and listen to a song of praise and worship:

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Blow Up Or Blow It Off....Your Choice

'Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.' Matthew 5:9

So many fights and arguments could be avoided if people would just learn to not take things so seriously, be patient, and thank God for the good things and overlook the not so good.

Once  I was flying standby as a family member on the airline my son works for. On this day huge ice storms caused the cancellation of many flights into and out of Dallas, a major hub for the airline. Guess where I was changing planes? You got it. Dallas! Needless to say when air travelers plans are messed up either by maintenance issues, crew issues, or weather there are some personalities who it does not sit well with. In Huntsville I was not seeing those frazzled nerves yet as it was still early in the course of the travel day.

Being upset about things out of our control is a waste of time. It is better to go with the flow or as a  friend used to say about issues that upset me, "Blow it off Becky". Very good advice for all sorts of things. Try to display the fruits of the Spirit in all of life. Don't "blow up" but remain in control and make believe Jesus is right there with you. He is you know.

 When the unexpected happens to you do you lose control or do you stay peaceful? Start today to develop the attitude of joy and peace no matter what is going on around you. Others will wonder what's up and may even ask you.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for mobility to get around and do things. Thank you for the blessing of changed plans because sometimes those are are "God moments" that we do not yet see or understand. Give me peace and joy as I learn to be flexible. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Pressing On

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

I still can not get over the fact it is 2015! Where did the year go? Did you accomplish the goals you had hoped to in the past year of 2014? For me some were met, but I still have a ways to go on others. My writing is my biggest goal right now so I am pressing on to complete a goal I have, that of getting a devotion book.

What are you hoping to achieve in 2015? Are you giving up or charging ahead with a positive attitude? Goals to press towards could be finding a job, losing unwanted body weight, getting started exercising and sticking with it. Perhaps taking up a new hobby. Finishing a project you have been putting off. Just like a runner in a race, you can not give up and stop half way through just because a few runners pass you. In order to have any chance of winning or finishing you keep on going straight ahead towards the goal.

Whatever you need to do my friend God can help you as you 'press on' to complete the task. Just keep at it!

PRAYER: I do not want to be a quitter Lord. I do not want the enemy to lie to me and make me feel my task is too big. I know with your helpI can do all things like it says in Philippians 4:13. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Stay Alert

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

I live a few miles from the small city of Huntsville, Alabama. Between here and there I pass through lots of countryside terrain and therefore the possibility of having a deer run across the road. Because of this I have to stay alert because I never know when one will dash across my path. I certainly do not want to wreck my car and possibly get injured so safety and awareness is crucial. 

In life it is necessary to be alert as well. Satan, our enemy, is roaming around trying to trap us, get us off the path God intends for us, and to lie and deceive us. If we are not careful we could fall prey to his subtle schemes. 

You can avoid this by staying grounded in God's word. Don't just go to church for one hour and somehow feel you are inoculated from anything bad happening.  Sunday worship is nice but not enough. Stay in God's word and meditate upon it daily. The more you 'feed' on 'the world' the more you will be like the world and the more you meditate on the truth in the Bible the more you will be Christlike. 

Remember to stay alert and stay in prayer. 

PRAYER: Protect me Lord from the subtle tricks of my  enemy Satan. I choose to not make excuses about why I  too busy to spend time daily with you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Humble Man

He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. Luke 1:52

It is certainly tempting to want to brag or maybe let others know about a good thing we have done or maybe a family member. A boss of mine in the Army used to say "let your virtues speak for themselves." Proverbs 27:2 says the same thing in a nutshell "Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips." 

It sure is more pleasant to be around someone who is not boasting all the time.  Humility is a trait we all should strive to have as a believer.  It is not necessary to prove to everyone how good we are. Our only goodness comes from the Lord anyway. Try to get in the habit of giving God the glory for the good things that happen in life. After all, the Lord is the one who exalts, we do not do things solely on our own efforts. This Bible verse I highlighted about rulers is very true as well. Rulers that squish their 'subjects' and feel superior are usually dictators or tyrants. Leaders are not to "lord" over their people and that even includes leadership in the business world. 

All people,especially believers, need to realize that nothing they do is apart from God and to Him be the glory, great things He has done!

PRAYER: Lord forgive me if I have ever been less than humble about anything and tooted my own horn. I really know that you are the one who gives all things and blesses us with abilities to be who we are. Thank you Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Do You Adore Him?

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

During the Christmas season the song 'Oh Come All Ye Faithful' may have been sung by some of my readers. One of the verses says "Oh come let us adore Him Christ the Lord!" The thing is, do you adore Him? 

To adore means to love deeply or be devoted to. Are you devoted to Jesus or do you truly put Him first in your day? Do you love Him deeply? Think about falling in love and how it feels. Is that same love the kind you love Jesus with? If not you can develop that type of love. 

When you adore someone you would not want to do anything ever to hurt them. Can we say the same with our relationship with Jesus? Have you done anything lately that would break Jesus heart? This is something only between you and Him. Each person has to search their own heart for the answer.

Start today and really try to insure you are making God smile in things you say and do. It is by doing this that you show love and adoration in a meaningful way.

PRAYER: Lord I truly do adore you although at times I certainly have not acted like it. Forgive me. Help me lead a life that shows other I love and adore you first and foremost. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

No Worries

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Here we are in a brand new year. The old is behind us impossible to replay. The past is gone. The resolutions have been made and maybe already broken. One good thing maybe to try to do in 2015 is to make up your mind to not worry. I have heard people say "but I am just a worrier" but still that is not an excuse. 

Worry robs us of peace that God wants us to have. He wants you to trust Him. Just because your child gets on a plane and occasionally a plane may crash does not mean you need to start worrying his or her plane will plummet to earth. When the Ebola scare took hold last summer and early fall that did not mean everyone was going to contract it, so stay in a protective bubble. When I chose to tandem skydive last fall I could not sit around worrying I would die because the chute would fail. In other words rely on God and cast cares on Him then forget about it. Don't constantly sit by your phone expecting it to ring with bad news. Go about your life and relax for a change and try prayer. 

Oh but there are many who pray and still can not seem to get beyond this worrying. To achieve peace within you have to let go of the controls. Ask God to help you if you suffer from constant fretting, then go have a good day.

PRAYER: Lord I want to have peace and I want you to have my cares. I know worrying won't change a situation but praying will. Give me strength to trust you and cast my cares once and for all. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link below to begin your new year with a song of praise: