Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
I am sure we have all been in situations where our anger could boil over if we did not get control over it. When we are the recipient of someone’s anger that too is a time to exercise self control as to stop the fuse from lighting even more.
Emotions are an area of life where we have to make up our mind we will learn when to respond and when to just be quiet. Sometimes the less said the better. If you are a person with anger issues try to be kind no matter what. No one has the right to tear someone to shreds with words. If you have been guilty of doing this say to a friend or a spouse(ouch) by all means go apologize and seek forgiveness and mend the relationship now before it festers to something worse.
There are those folks who are able to handle this area of life with no problem as they are by nature gentle and kind souls but others because of what ever issues grating on them can explode and be unkind for no reason. Jesus wants us to show love and be at peace.
Be able to forgive and not blame. Do not intentionally try to provoke anger or start a battle. Be calm and just ask God to help you if this is an area you are struggling with. If you are a victim of someone’s anger then pray for them.
PRAYER: Love is the key to having a nice relationship no matter with friends, spouse, co workers or strangers. I know Lord anger is from the pit of hell and I do not want it in my life. Help me Lord to look for good things and treat all people kind. In Jesus’ name. Amen.