Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Do you have a situation looming over you in your life that seems like it is way too big and will never go away? There is a saying "this too shall pass" but when you are in the midst of your "battle" it sure does not seem that way. During times like these it is essential you practice focusing on "things above" and to try to not dwell on that which drags you down. Problems can, and will, overwhelm you if all you do is think on them.

I loved the movie "Facing The Giants" which dealt with many issues in life that seemed humanly impossible but with God in the equation nothing was impossible. Matthew 19:26(NIV) clearly lays it out 'Jesus looked at them and said,"With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible"'. Pretty clear wouldn't you say? You have to have faith and you have to believe.

In the Bible it says in Mark 9:23(NIV) 'And Jesus said to him "If you can?All things are possible to Him who believes."' Do you have that kind of "mountain moving" faith? "But my problem is way too big and nothing is going to help." Who puts thoughts like that in your head? Not God, that is for sure.

I heard someone once say "Believe receive, doubt do without." God is way bigger than anything overwhelming we humans here on earth. Don't stop praying or believing your situation can't change.

Right now start having positive thoughts and do not allow the enemy to get you fearful or doubtful. God is a miracle working God! Believe it and keep praying!!

PRAYER: Today Lord I choose to believe and not lose hope. I choose to focus on good and not bad that cam create gloom and doom. I will seek your peace and pursue it .In Jesus' name. Amen.

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