Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, July 15, 2013


There are months when Fridays fall on the 13th.It almost did this month. Many people find this disheartening and fear this day. Superstitions overwhelm them. I say "well that is just super" and go on with my day. There are many fearful of the number 13 whether it is the 13th floor in a building, the 13th row on a airplane, or just plain old Friday the 13th. My birthday is on Halloween and that is fine by me and never worries me. It is just a day! I am not superstitious. Black cats and walking under ladders is not a fear of mine either. We can either declare we have faith or fear. Being scared of the number 13 is an obsession and a fear to give to the Lord.

I have met Christians who read their horoscope daily for guidance. Long ago before I was serious about my walk with the Lord I may have even read mine occasionally. It seemed to be fun and seemingly innocent. Once I got "born again" things were not perfect all of a sudden, but I had no desire to do some of the things I once occupied my time with. Don't go the the horoscope section of your newspaper for your guidance. Is God the editor of the horoscope telling you through it this is what is going to happen? No.When I am asked what horoscope "sign" I am I simply say "I do not follow them" and often get weird looks implying "get with it girl".

Instead of worrying about the number thirteen or wondering what your horoscope tells you you need to do today, why not instead open up God's word? Start in the book of John in the New Testament. Read a chapter daily and then go to the Lord in prayer. The more you trust God each day the less you will find it necessary to go to the "stars" or worry about numbers.

2 Corinthians 5:17(ESV) says 'if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has passed away, the new has come.' I found that to be true. The Christian life is a constant journey. You fall down and get right back up again so to speak. God heals,God forgives, God redeems, God restores, God sets the captive free. Forget the past. If you have areas of your life that still need work and if we are honest we all do, then go to God in prayer and ask for His help. He is mighty to save!

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for this day you have made. It does not matter what date it is. I am not fearful of manmade superstitions that cause me fear instead of building my faith. I choose this day and every day to rejoice in the Lord and thank Him for another day no matter what the date is on the calendar. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click link below to start your week with a wonderful praise song.

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