Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, June 17, 2013


How many of us say we have the "worry monster" thing beat then you catch
yourself wondering what someone thinks of you or second guess a
decision you make or start fearing something? I know I have then I
have to say "Becky. Stop it. You know God is taking care of you so
just pray!"

It is easy to slip into this "worry mode" if we are not careful. Our
enemy, Satan, is waiting to take advantage of our weak points. Do not
let him. Stand up and say to him "Devil I have had enough of your puny
schemes. I am strong in the strength of the Lord and according to Isaiah 54:17(NIV) 'no
weapon formed against me shall prosper.' So Devil you can leave me alone right now!" Wacky you say? Not really.

We have God's word as our authority. God is greater than the devil. The enemy is out to torture us and to try to get us off track for the Lord. He knows where we are vulnerable and will keep attacking because he knows how we react. Why not surprise the devil and quote scripture to him?
When you are tempted to start worrying cry out to God and start reading scripture. Start praising the name of Jesus. The enemy has to flee at the sound of His name. We have to get serious about walking with the Lord and taking authority over bad junk in our lives or that of a family member. Worrying does not bring you closer to God but trusting Him does.
The Bible is not there to be a coffee table ornament but it is to be used and studied. If the enemy can get us too busy to use it or make us think Sunday is enough then we remain in the same rut with the same issues hanging over our heads. Now is the time to get powerful and serious about walking with the Lord. Start reading in the book of John in the Old Testament for starters. 
1 Peter 5:7(NIV) tells us to 'cast our cares on Him for He cares for us'. Can you "cast" that worry away? You say, "I am just a worrier". Now is the time to stop saying that and pick up the "sword of the spirit" and instead know that Jesus can help you. Worry is not from God. It is not a fruit of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. We can overcome this and be filled with peace instead. Would you like that? Cry out to God. Do not allow worry to become a stronghold in your life.
PRAYER: Today Lord I choose peace over worry. I know worrying does not change a situation but only keeps me tied up in "knots" and I know also that Satan loves to see children of God all weak and worried. Now is the time I choose to be strong and trust in you. I know you have a plan greater than I can imagine and I need to trust in you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click link below to start your week off praising Jesus.

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