The other day when I wrote about SNACKS VERSUS A MAIN COURSE one reader said she knew what I was getting at but said she liked little snacks of nourishment throughout her day too. She had a valid point. Sometimes healthy snacks are good throughout the day. I thought about that for a moment and said "Yes that is true. We need to be thinking of Christ throughout our day." By this I mean we need to start the day with prayer and throughout the day to think of Him.
You just do not "gobble him up" in one sitting on Sunday and that is that till the following week but you seek out His nourishment throughout the week on a daily basis and sometimes several times throughout your day.
For instance when you are in your car you can be singing praises or praying. Obviously you would not shut your eyes to pray but you can "talk" to God wherever you are. Remain in an "attitude" of prayer. You could have a good praise and worship station on your radio in the background while at home. Try to stay focused on good things and keep your thoughts "above".
Obviously Satan will attempt to throw you curve balls to get you messed up but resist Him. Try to get in a regular habit of taking the first part of each day to have a quiet time. It may take some creative scheduling on your part especially if you have children at home or have a job to go to. When you start doing this ,wait and see if you don't start feeling lifted up in your spirit. Enjoy "snacking" on Jesus throughout your day each and every day.
Colossians 3:1-2(NIV) says 'Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.'
PRAYER: Lord Jesus I choose this day to stay in an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. I know when I sing your praises the enemy has to flee. Thanks for the freedom I have to read and own a Bible. Forgive me for neglecting it at times. In Jesus' name. Amen.
You have some good thoughts here. I try to being each day with time with God. It's not always easy. But it is a good habit to cultivate.