Have you heard of people getting messages from God in dreams or other ways? Well a couple weeks ago a common housefly woke me up by continually landing on my face. It was very annoying. After this happened numerous times and many failed attempts to fall back to sleep, a Bible verse came to me about overcoming evil and good and evil being in the world. I can not recall the exact verse, but it prompted me to write on good and evil as when I finally got up I was thinking "overcome evil with good." I can not recall ever waking up to a Bible verse like that before. It indeed was rather bizarre.
So I can thank that annoying house fly for giving me an idea. The housefly itself reminded me of the pesky annoyance of bad junk in our lives. It kind of reminds me of Hebrews 12:1(NIV) which says '
Good thought. I have hymns that replay themselves in my mind from time to time. An some scriptures.