Is Halloween an innocent children's holiday to celebrate or is it something sinister we need to avoid? Online, in the Bing dictionary, it is defined as follows: 'October 31: the eve of All Saints' Day, originally celebrated by Celtic peoples but now popular with children in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.'
It was interesting studying this topic online and the varying opinions. We all have opinions about what is right or wrong.Some parents see nothing wrong with dressing the little ones up, even like Satan himself, and sending them off in the neighborhood to gather candy. In the United States this is
Is Halloween an innocent children's holiday to celebrate or is it something sinister we need to avoid? Online, in the Bing dictionary, it is defined as follows: 'October 31: the eve of All Saints' Day, originally celebrated by Celtic peoples but now popular with children in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.'
It was interesting studying this topic online and the varying opinions. We all have opinions about what is right or wrong.Some parents see nothing wrong with dressing the little ones up, even like Satan himself, and sending them off in the neighborhood to gather candy. In the United States this is second most decorated holiday after Christmas. There are haunted houses, cornfield mazes, jack-o-lanterns, and harvest parties. If you want to avoid the evil aspect of this day and simply have fun, you could opt to take the kiddies to the church harvest party. That is what we used to do when our boys were small. They did go out in the neighborhood a couple times.
We do not need to embrace this day entirely but we can use it as a witness too. We are not to judge our Christian brothers and sisters who see nothing wrong with dressing up like a witch to come to greet the trick or treater's. I, for one, cannot glorify a witch but people have to be convicted on their own. Each person has to have conviction before they leave this holiday behind entirely. Here in the small town I live in, there is a church doing an alternative to a haunted house. I have experienced this type of 'alternative' a couple times in the past in places I have lived and actually they are a pretty good witnessing tool for those over the age of 12.
Still this day gets mixed reactions in the Christian community. Is it okay to celebrate or is it not? Yours truly was born on Halloween, no joke. So for me as a child this day was one big party and yes, other children came to my parties in their costumes. It is fun dressing up and having fun and the scary part can be funny too but if it gets too overboard and bordering on the demonic that is where I personally would draw the line.
As parents you are forming your child's character. If you start saying anything goes and have no boundaries then what does that teach them? Psalm 141:4 says "Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies!" Now is Halloween really wicked?
So what is a Christian to do? Is this a formerly Christian holiday called 'All Hallowed Eve" or is this when Satanists do their sacrifices and steal black cats and such. First of all evil and Satan are real and are not a joke. There is good and there is evil. We are to let our light shine forth to glorify our father which is in heaven it says in Matthew 5:16. This does not mean to act holier than than or self righteous to others. It is as simple as this. Is what you are doing bringing honor and glory to God? That is always a good question to ask yourself.
Romans 14:16 says "Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil." Ephesians 5:16 says "making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."
Pray and ask God what you should do. Happy Harvest Day!! Is this a day a Christian should really celebrate? Just something to think about.
PRAYER: Father help me to know in my heart what to do about celebrating Halloween. Thank you Lord for the gift of children and for those reading this with small ones still or grandchildren they have influence over help them be guided by your word and Holy Spirit in what to do for this normally fun day for children. If I have put too much emphasis on this over God forgive me. Show me how to be a light in my neighborhood as well. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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