And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry.Matthew 4:2
During 21 Days of prayer the past couple years I chose to do without stalking Facebook except for posting my writing. Last year when I ‘innocently’ broke this fast a bad consequence resulted and this year a few days ago when I did something also bad happened. When will I learn my lesson?
When I first started my attempt at devotions years ago I had to be still, and still do, to listen to God’s voice but at times if I get ahead of myself things go haywire. It is easy to get caught up on social media more than God so even looking at it too much is not a good thing. Do you ever get ahead of yourself when not being still?
Do you have an area of your ife that you need to fast from to get closer to God while doing it? When you set out to do a spiritual thing Satan does not like it and will attmpt to distract you as he did me recently. Being intentional about something takes discipline. Have you considered an an area of your life that you need to fast from for spiritual purposes such as an answer to prayer or deliverance?
PRAYER: Father help me when I set out on a spiritual journey to not let the world with all of its' clutter and distractions to pull me away. Help me stay on track and give praise and glory to you. Help me never be haughty but stay humble in my journey. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Becky: Each of us has areas of our lives that we need to practice a fast in order to get closer to God. I try to have my devotions right after I wake up. Then I go and get the newspaper. After that I pray. I may need to tweak this order.