Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


For sin burns like a fire. It burns thistles and thorns. It sets the woods on fire, and they go up in smoke. The land is burned up by the anger of the Lord, and the people are like wood for the fire. No man shows pity on his brother. Isaiah 9:18-19

Forest fires are pretty common place this time of year in our Western States. Fire fighters often employ firebreaks to ward off the flames barreling in and taking over. These breaks allow them time to deal with the tremendous power of the fire. This is a dangerous job as can be attested by the Granite Mountain Hot Shots of Arizona depicted in the 2017 Hollywood film, “Only The Brave”.

Sin can consume us like a raging inferno if we don’t set up our own ‘firebreaks’ in the spiritual realm to deal with junk that comes our way. It is easy to allow worry, fear, grief, anger, and bitterness to control and consume us. The enemy attacks and wants to cripple believers and make them powerless to take control and rise up against the flames raging.

Do not allow the enemy to throw more fuel on the fire but stop him in his tracks. Quote scripture out loud to him. Pray. Start praising God for all his goodness as the enemy hates praise and thanksgiving. Know that this too shall pass and you do not have to allow sin to defeat you.

PRAYER: I have the power in your name to defeat the attacks of the enemy. I know most battles are waged in the mind and I ask Father that you help me keep my mind filled to overflowing with what is good. Help me to put out the fires with the word of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

 Note: Idea for title from Family Research Council 

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