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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Beyond Facebook

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

It is the year 2019 and life in the Western World is saturated with social media. You can’t get away from it. If you are like my husband and a few other friends, you are smart and don’t engage in it to begin with but if you are there already you may have found it can be a source of great pain. Get a life or get a job some may say and leave it alone. 

Pain such as what Facebook can cause,  is usually reserved for bickering teenage girls having a quarrel but now adults,  who should know better,  get involved. You are unfriended, blocked, put on restriction and a host of other things. Meanness occurs when politics enter the picture and the Facebook world heads south. 

First Pray. Next limit your time and don’t stalk Facebook. Thirdly, give yourself social media vacations. Get outside, get involved in a project, study your Bible. It is crucial you learn to control your thoughts as if this is your weak area Satan can try to take advantage of it and torture you. Don’t go there and do not allow it. Pray for those who may have hurt you intentionally or unintentionally. Find ways to spread love on Facebook. Avoid divisive subjects that stir hatred. Now go and let the joy of the Lord be your strength. 

PRAYER: Father as my sister and friend Kim often say “Facebook is not real” and it is not yet it can still be cruel, hurtful and painful at times. Help anyone dealing with issues to let the Lord have first place in your life beyond the computer, cell phone, or TV. Ask God to break strongholds where hurt has entered. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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