Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun. Ecclesiastes 2:11
I had been pondering the subject of American busyness and how it seems like many do it purposefully because if they don’t they feel less than noble. Then at the same time I was pondering it must have been a Holy Spirit thing because my pastor spoke about it in church about the same time.Why do parents of young children enroll them in back to back activities? Children need to learn the art and discipline of being still, reading a book, appreciating the beauty of nature that God created. Then we adults, shame on us. Many who do not have a 40 hour per week job sometimes feel compelled it seems to fill up all the extra hours with activities as it is hard to sit and be still. Those of us not employed may feel an urge to get in all sorts of volunteer work seemingly to feel worthy. When oh when is there time for the family?The home? What’s shameful about having some space on your calendar with nothing there?My challenge to each of my American readers is to try to chill and be still. Don’t sign up for every worthy cause. Don’t guilt yourself when you don’t. Spend some alone time, without your phone turned on, to read God’s word, listen to birds, take a walk or hike in woods. Don’t rush through life and never take a breath. Learn to tame the busy monster and enjoy life to the fullest!PRAYER: Lord I don’t want to constantly be filling up every moment and need to learn the art of saying no and being still. I pray for those reading this that they too will examine their schedules and see what can be cut out so they can slow down and enjoy life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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