Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' Mark 12:30
There is a familiar political slogan ‘Make America Great Again’ but in addition to that how about we also make God Great Again?! Don’t make Him an after thought or a prayer in times of struggle but a regular awesome 24-7 part of your everyday existence.
Now for those unfamiliar with loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind I might sound a tad overboard and what some would call a fanatic and my response “so be it, what’s the problem?” You are not on this planet to just be busy and take up space but each creation of God, that’s you and me, has a distinct reason he or she was born.
Do you know there are a couple verses in the Bible that mention not being ashamed(see Mark 8:38) of God yet how many are even too embarrassed to offer grace in public? Do you want to love God with all your heart? It doesn’t mean you run off and become a monk but to simply really be devoted to him and growing in your Christian walk. Start each day with a prayer just simply talking to God. Next get into the Bible. Start with Psalms or Proverbs. Don’t do ‘religion’ but seek a relationship with Jesus.
PRAYER: There was a time I was a church goer and that is where it ended. Then the lights came on. I pray for any reading this who don’t know you to run from worldly pursuits which make war with their soul and to run to you. I pray for each person to examine their hearts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Amen! We can't be just Sunday Christians. We have to live it 24/7.