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It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

You Gotta Forgive

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Why is it so hard to forgive others? I know of people who refuse to forgive even a family member for offenses. The only one who wins out on this is Satan as he divides and conquers relationships of all kinds. Someone has to be the bigger person and go to the other one and say "let's just move on, I am sorry." Pride often keeps one from doing this. "Who me? It's not my fault!" 

Are there situations even in your own life where a person has hurt you emotionally and it is hard to love them much less like them? Well I have news for you. God wants us to love each other. Satan wants us to hate each other and fight. Whose side do you want to be on? Easy answer I would think. It takes humility, love, and kindness. Even if you have no way to physically forgive someone for a hurt in your life  or they could care less about forgiveness, do it in your heart between you and God. Release this person to God and say "Lord I forgive ___________. Help me move on and not be bitter."

Let the love of Jesus be evident in your life and in the deepest recesses of your heart. Many people may "deserve" to get the cold shoulder but God wants you to love and let go. Can you do it? 

PRAYER: Lord I have had hurts in my life and I am thankful you are here always to help me move on and not hold grudges. Help me with anyone else who may be harder to love and forgive. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link for a wonderful worship song:

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