Recently I heard the sad story of a popular Youth/College Pastor who
had been arrested for some bizarre antics. Instead of condemnation of this young minister or
talking bad about him because he is from a mega church and you only go
for denominational smaller churches, it is time to pray and love, not
judge him.
Just because a person is a pastor or church worker we sort of expect
the best out of them and put them up on a "spiritual pedestal" that we
think they could never fall from. All if us are capable of sin and the
enemy especially rejoices when he gets a church leader to tumble off
that "pedestal".
Is it not true as a believer we are to be gracious with our mouth
meaning what comes out of it? When you start ridiculing a person or
putting he or she down maybe it is time for a mouth check. We all have faults and slip ups. Just because a person is up in front of people at church does not mean they are not going through a hidden struggle.
Romans 3:10(NASB) reminds us 'There is none righteous no not one.' Isaiah 64:6(NIV) says 'All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.' Romans 3:23(NIV) says 'We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.'
We need to constantly be on our guard against spiritual warfare as Satan is out there loving to destroy the testimony of Christians or bringing trouble their way. Do not "beat up" those who are wounded and judge them, as you never know when you might be in a similar situation.Matthew 26:41(NIV) reminds us 'Watch and pray so you will not fall into temptation for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.'PRAYER: Lord Jesus as the old hymn goes, "I need you every hour" and oh how true that is. When I let down my guard or do not take time each day to spend time with you I am leaving home without my proper spiritual "armor" on then I am vulnerable to attacks of the enemy. Lord show me how to pray for those who are caught up in something that is hurting them or their ministry. In Jesus' name. Amen!
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