Are you able to squeeze time with God into your very busy day? Just five minutes. Can you do that? My intent is not to send you off on a "guilt trip" as the only type of trip fun to take is usually a vacation trip or something fun. Guilt trips are not fun. The point is we have so many obligations and commitments in our busy days. Even those who are not employed for a pay check still contribute to society and especially those busy stay home moms out there. But with all of our busyness it seems I hear that the first thing to get squeezed out or forgotten is spending time reading the Bible. It even happens to "yours truly". Just because I write devotions does not mean I am perfect. Far from it. Time with the Lord has to be intentional. Do not wait to go on a spiritual retreat, although they are wonderful, and I have one coming up in early October in the mountains of North Carolina with Moms in Prayer International. Have a daily "retreat" with the Lord. You might have to be creative. The enemy is going to come up against you as he knows you gain power to defeat him when you study and read God's word.
"But Becky I have to really hustle to get out of the door in the morning. I need to watch the news and check my Facebook status." There you go. Two major things not necessary to do and are taking time from the one thing you really need to do. So many feel Sunday is all they need. Even well meaning church goers and those who claim to be Christians often see no need to dig any deeper than what they are "fed" each Sunday. Many of those people then would not even be reading this devotion. Many are stuck in denominational ruts where maybe they never saw any need to go beyond their one hour on Sunday. Perhaps you live with a person like that. Beating them over the head with the Bible will only drive them further away. The Holy Spirit is the one who needs to touch them. As Bible teacher Joyce Meyer says " Do not be Holy Spirit Junior" as it just will not work. If you do not stay knowledgeable of God's word you can be easily deceived by Satan. He is a liar and the Father of lies it says in John 8:44 and John 10:10 and has tricked many people into believing what they think is true. He is operating at full speed ahead in our world today in case you have not noticed.
Try these tips to start. Get a devotional book that is brief and to the point. (God's Lemonade Stand will hopefully and prayerfully be in book form before the end of 2014). Remove those hindrances from your morning that take you away from "God time" and are not all that important, or in other words the world will still spin if you forget to do them. Things such as checking on friends on Facebook, watching the morning shows, and reading the paper. Put them "after" the Bible and see if you don't feel better and have more time. If you are at work before your day starts open your Bible and read a Psalm or Proverb or sign up to get a daily devotion sent to you at work if your work place allows this on your free time.
Proverbs 18:10(NKJV) says 'The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.' That name is above every other name and it is Jesus Christ. You learn about Him and get closer to Him by reading His word daily and living each day for Him. He is not just a Sunday Jesus. Start today and make Him the first priority of your day.
PRAYER: Thanks Jesus for loving me. Forgive me when I have ignored you and given my time to every other thing but forget about you. I desire to prioritize my day to get strong in you by reading your word The Bible. In Jesus' name.Amen.
When I wake up in the mornings, one of the first things I do is reach for my devotional book. Then my prayer journal and then my Bible. I try to do this before I start my day. If I get to prayer group at 9:00 on Friday mornings, I try to take my devotional book with me.