Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


 Do you consider yourself an honorable person? Honor is a pretty important personality charactistic to have in order to succeed in the world around us. Cheats, liars, and dishonorable people may get ahead for a while but it is those who have honor that will truly shine.

Think of the word honor. At place I like to hike in nearby Huntsville, Alabama, at the entrance to this state park, called Monte Sano, there is an "Honor Box" to place you entrance fee into. If the attendant is off duty they would expect you to do the right thing and place your money in the box and not try to sneak in. Think of another situation which involves honor. Let's say you go to see one movie and pay for only one movie but after it is over you casually sneak into another one. Is that honorable? Is it honorable to keep the change if a clerk gives you too much money back? You can probably add your own scenarios as well.

In the military there is what is called an "Honorable Discharge" where upon having served honorably with nothing bad on your military record you are awarded this certificate to proudly display at home or wherever you choose. The other two discharges will not help in getting you far in life and they are the "General Discharge" and the "Dishonorable Discharge". Honor is pretty important to those serving in the Armed Forces. Also the "Honor Guard" present at military funerals to pay tribute to one who served his or her country honorably.

How many of you have seen a road side stand with home grown produce on it and next to it is a box on the table with a sign that reads "Honor System" to place the money for the vegetables you are buying? Even if a person steals it is God who knows. It does not pay to be less than honorable.

The Bible speaks of honor in many places. One I like is in the Ten Commandments where it says to "Honor your father and your mother" and how important that is. Even into their aging years to hold them in high regard and in high esteem. In wedding vows the couple often repeat they will "love,honor, and cherish as long as they both shall live" but then how many just forget that and end up doing their own thing resulting many times in divorces. If you are married pray for God to give you the ability to do what your vows said.
1 Peter 2:17(NKJV) says to 'Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.' The Bing online dictionary defines honor as personal integrity: strong moral character or strength, and adherence to ethical principles. We see today that many in leadership in the United States do not have strong moral character and it is harder to honor and respect someone like that. We are to keep praying for them. Romans 12:10 says 'Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.'

Honor system, honor box, honorable discharge, honor code, no matter what, honor is very important in the life of a believer and of a respectable citizen. It shows integrity and courage.
Are you an honorable person? Proverbs 21:21(ESV) is a good scripture to end on and it says 'Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.'
PRAYER: Lord today I choose to show honor to those who it is due. I honor you above all Lord. I thank you Lord for parents that raised me to be honorable. Help me to walk with honor and integrity everywhere I go. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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