worried is a major issue with many people. There is plenty to despair
about if you turn on the evening news. To stay focused on good you
have to make a deliberate effort to remove distractions from your life
that tend to cause you to get upset, sad, worried and fretful.
What is stealing your peace? Bad news on TV, worry about your job, a
family situation? This is not to say we have to "stick our head in the
sand" but do not allow yourself to be agitated and upset with the
things of the world. Also sometimes when we try to control a person or
situation, it will bring on immense frustration. Give whatever it is
that is bothering you over to the Lord. You may recall the verse in 1
Peter 5:7(NIV) that reminds us to 'cast all your anxiety on Him for He
cares for you.'
On that New Years resolution list beside where you might have written
"get in shape" why not try to make it a point to be a "spiritual
fitness freak" and spend oodles of time alone with Jesus. This will
only occur when you purposely set time aside DAILY to get into His
word and pray. How important is having peace and joy to you? Try
giving God the first part of your day and not reading the newspaper
before the Bible or flipping on a morning show only to get upset and
stressed over world news. Tune into God instead!
PRAYER: A new year brings excitement for new ideas, new goals, new
ventures. Lord I know I need to give you more time and I need to dwell
on things that uplift and not tear down and destroy. With your help I
can achieve this goal. In Jesus' name. Amen.
about if you turn on the evening news. To stay focused on good you
have to make a deliberate effort to remove distractions from your life
that tend to cause you to get upset, sad, worried and fretful.
What is stealing your peace? Bad news on TV, worry about your job, a
family situation? This is not to say we have to "stick our head in the
sand" but do not allow yourself to be agitated and upset with the
things of the world. Also sometimes when we try to control a person or
situation, it will bring on immense frustration. Give whatever it is
that is bothering you over to the Lord. You may recall the verse in 1
Peter 5:7(NIV) that reminds us to 'cast all your anxiety on Him for He
cares for you.'
On that New Years resolution list beside where you might have written
"get in shape" why not try to make it a point to be a "spiritual
fitness freak" and spend oodles of time alone with Jesus. This will
only occur when you purposely set time aside DAILY to get into His
word and pray. How important is having peace and joy to you? Try
giving God the first part of your day and not reading the newspaper
before the Bible or flipping on a morning show only to get upset and
stressed over world news. Tune into God instead!
PRAYER: A new year brings excitement for new ideas, new goals, new
ventures. Lord I know I need to give you more time and I need to dwell
on things that uplift and not tear down and destroy. With your help I
can achieve this goal. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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