I have seen a tactic in our United States government the past couple
years that is similar to what the enemy does with sin and that is to "sugarcoat"
it. Within the power of the executive branch they like to rename unpopular things they know
will be distasteful or a majority of Americans do not want, in order to try
to slide something through that is not good for America. One example I
think of now is calling the Fort Hood deaths at the hands of a terrorist, "work place violence". A war is called an "action" or something more gentle. Destroying the best health care system in the world is
called "The Patient Affordable Health Care Act". Crafty words are used to imply something is not so bad when in fact it is a lie or a disaster waiting to happen. Amnesty is being renamed something like "Pathway to Citizenship". Sort of deceptive wouldn't you say?
Satan loves to trick us into making sin not look so bad. It all started in the Garden of Eden when God had specifically told Adam and Eve to not eat from the tree in the midst of the garden. (See Genesis 3:3).
Satan also makes alcohol not look so bad but if you read Proverbs 23:31-35(NIV) it says "Do not look at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like an viper. Your eyes will see strange sights and your mind will imagine confusing things. You will be like one sleeping on the high seas, lying on top of the rigging. "They hit me!" you will say, "but I'm not hurt. They beat me but I did not feel it, when will I wake up so I can find another drink?"' Alcohol consumption is not a sin in and of itself, but this verse illustrates how Satan could use it in his arsenal to get you drunk and doing stupid things, maybe even that lead to violence, death, or the break up of a family.
There may be flashing neon lights outside a strip club but inside sin lurks and is waiting to tear apart families and destroy lives. A loose woman may be pretty to look at and entice you to commit adultery by her smooth talk but that also is a tool the enemy uses to destroy lives.Read Proverbs Chapter 7 to learn more.
A lie whether it is called "misspeaking" or a "white lie" is still a LIE and we are not to lie. Stealing even an office ink pen, cause "they owe it to me" is still theft of property. Remember it says in
John 10:10 'The thief comes but to kill, steal, and destroy. I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly.'
The Bible says we are all sinners. Romans 3:23(NIV) states 'we all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.' Don't do things you know are sinful or may lead you down the wrong path. Staying in the word of God and saturating your life with good praise and worship music will lift your spirits and helps you to avoid the pitfalls and traps that Satan sets for us. Do you desire a life pleasing to God? He is waiting for you to call upon Him and He will give you strength for your challenges.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus thank you that you are there for me in the daily struggles of life. I know it breaks your heart when I sin so Lord bring conviction of wrong and evil to my heart. Help me lead a life pleasing unto you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click on link below and worship God in song:
Note: Here in the Huntsville area on Monday February 11 we are blessed to get to have several Christian artists come for the Rockin Worship Road Show. Jeremy Camp, the artist who sang the song I included today, is one of many who will bless us with his praise and worship music.
Check out the link I have included and if close to you go for a night of praise and worship and benefit Compassion International.
Yes, you make good points. I hadn't realized they renamed the health care 'laws'. Thank you for pointing that out.
ReplyDeleteI greatly appreciate your feedback to me and do not always get to tell you that. Thankss!