Is something eating on you that you can not seem to let go of? In starting this new year out if you are harboring something in your heart against someone why not give it to God once and for all and attempt to make 2013 a year of new beginnings?
The Bible says in James 1:20(NIV) that 'the anger of man does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.' Almost everyone gets angry but it is learning how to control that anger or to diffuse it altogether that is vitally important. If someone has hurt you, sometimes they may not even be aware of it, so you have the choice to just let it go or let it fester and tear you up inside. How can you be effective for the body of Christ and shine the light and love of Jesus when you hold grudges or bitterness against someone?
You must be consistent in pursuit of peace. In Psalm 34:14(NIV) we are told 'Turn from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it.' To pursue means to continually go after without stopping. Make it a goal of life to be peaceful. In speaking with others it says in Proverbs 16:1(NIV) that 'a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.'
There may be people in your life who "push your buttons" so to speak. To continue to try to win a war of words is useless or to try to prove you are right. Just drop it! Be the bigger person. Sometimes it drives people nuts when you do not argue back.
A real challenge for you is to not go to bed angry. Try to give up what it is that is making you mad. Good time to pray and read the word of God. Ephesians 4:26( NIV) reminds us 'in your anger do not sin and do not let the singe down while you are still angry.'
There you have it. A new challenge for 2013 to stay upbeat and try to let your anger go. Try praying instead.
PRAYER:Lord, I know anger is a normal emotion. Help me learn to control my anger if things start to upset and agitate me. I know I can not be a good witness if I am all tense inside and holding bitterness in my heart. Forgive me Lord. I choose to pursue peace and forgiveness in 2013. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thank you for the 'pep' talk. I needed it.