As a former member of our nations Armed Forces I can certainly identify with the first part of my title that says ' soldier on'! In the military this means to not quit, don't make excuses, and fulfill your mission. To charge on and take that hill!! But as a Christian we are called 'soldiers' of the Lord. 2 Timothy 2:3 says " Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Jesus Christ." Military personnel endure much hardship that the civilian world has no way of understanding.
When I first entered the Army and was in my barracks one day reading my Bible it fell open to Psalm 18:29 which simply says " with your help I can crush a troop or leap over a wall!" Now how crazy is that? Here I was just starting out in the US Army and am going to have to do things I had never experienced before to include learning to jump a wall and this verse ' just happened' to pop up. I called it a 'God thing' and it truly was. But you too can 'charge on' as you look to Jesus.
In life in addition to 'soldiering on' we have to 'press on' too. Do not quit. When the fight or battle seems too big and overwhelming you may be tempted to give up the fight. God does not want you to. Only the enemy, Satan, brings doubt, discouragement, and fear. You can do it. Quote the scripture from Philippians 4:13 which says " I can do ALL things through Christ which gives me strength." You indeed can with the help of the Lord!!
Finally if you are a runner and have ever been in a race you learn to keep on going and not look back. Just run and run some more. Do your best. The reward is at the finish line. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 9:21 that "Did you not know that in a race not all runners win the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." Keep looking at Jesus as the finishing line and the crown of life.
So today do your very best to look to Jesus and when you feel like all hope is lost know in fact that it is not.
1 Corinthians 15:57 says " But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!"
PRAYER: Thank You so much Lord for guiding me each day and giving me the ability to keep looking to you when things around me seem hopeless. I am hopeful because of you. In Jesus name. Amen.
Click on links below for two mighty songs to draw home the point we are 'soldiers' for Christ.
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