Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A week ago in the United States our elections were held and the saying is 'let the best man win' but not necessarily. Things happen for reasons unknown to we mere humans but the thing is our ultimate 'ruler' is God on high, creator of heaven and earth. Our supreme enemy is not a man or a candidate but it is Satan who has caused spiritual warfare here on earth. If he can get us fighting between political parties and not against him then he has success. Satan gets people deceived and believing lies. He is the Father of lies.

I have a few Bible verses I want to share with you. The first comes from the book of Psalm 47:8 and it says "God reigns over the nations. God is seated on His holy throne." 1 Chronicles 16:31 says "Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad. Let them say among the nations The Lord Reigns." Psalm 22:28 reminds us "For dominion belongs to the Lord and from His throne He rules the nations." Psalm 103:19 says " The Lord has established his throne in heaven and His kingdom rules over all."
Do you catch yourself saying ugly things about a person when knowing the real thing you need to do is pray? Christians are not supposed to be letting their mouth get out of control. It is difficult, but when and if you catch yourself slipping ask the Lord to help you. If the individual is doing something not of God, in your opinion, let God deal with him. Your job is to trust God and pray. This goes for lifting up leaders even when we do not agree with them or fear they want to do us harm. Freedom is very precious and our religious freedoms especially. Evil forces would love to drive them completely out of this great land and do it in the name of politics and so far is starting to do that at many levels.

God will take care of those doing wrong and spreading lies. Once again our job is to pray and try to love like Jesus loved. Proverbs 19:9 says "A false witness will not go unpunished and he who breathes out lies will perish."

So my friend we are to keep trusting God, keep praying, and not give up hope. God rules over all and His kingdom will have no end.
PRAYER: Father I thank you so much for the fact that when things in our world go crazy I know you are the ultimate ruler and you do not like it when a man tries to become like you and lord over the people. If anyone is guilty of this Lord set this country free from the chains oftheir tyranny. Protect our own land and we pray for our own President that he can learn to turn to you and treat the people kind and not be divisive. Father convict him of wrong and help him have a servants heart. But Lord Jesus we know you reign over all. Fill our minds with peace as we wait for your return one day.Moreover Lord protect Christians from being caught in Satan's web of deception. Open our eyes to the truth that sets us free.Thank you Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.

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