Today many reading this are enjoying an extended weekend. This day off is thanks to those courageous men and women who are serving currently in our Armed Forces or have served in the past. They are true patriots so if you know one say thank you. The freedoms they fought to protect are under fire today by politicians trying to domineer and control us. Those buried in our national cemeteries did not die so our country could fall to a socialistic or worse yet, communist government. So enjoy this day off and do not take your freedoms of any kind for granted.
While you are taking a day off do not take a day off from God. Many say hello to Jesus one day one hour a week and that is it. Do you suppose if you ate only one hour a week on one day you would last long? The answer of course is no. Well you need spiritual food too. If you claim to live for the Lord and want to be closer to him that will only happen by spending time in the word of God, the Holy Bible. It is not a coffee table ornament but a tool to use daily to grow in Christ
Psalm 119:11 says " I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Hiding refers to reading it, studying it, and memorizing it. What if forces came into our land and took our Bibles away. Don't laugh as it could happen. If this occurred your only Bible would be what you memorized and carried in your heart.
So start today and make it a daily habit to get into the word of God. Don't know where to start you might say? Well read a Proverb a day.Start by spending some of your day with God.
PRAYER: Today Lord I first thank you for the freedoms we have here in America. I thank you for those who died so I might enjoy this day. I will not allow Satan to keep me from reading my Bible by having me make excuses. Thank you for your words. In Jesus name. Amen.
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