Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Have you ever pondered the different inventions that make life wonderful? The telephone for instance and how nice and how awesome and remarkable it is that a voice can travel over airwaves. Or a color picture on television? We thought Polaroid cameras were neat in my high school days when in one minute we could see an instant picture but how about todays digital photos? How cool is all this? A refrigerator that keeps food cold and a freezer that stores ice cream is another marvel. How about flying on a jet that gets you from Los Angeles to New York City in 5 hours?  Even email is such a wonder.  This list is endless. Do you take those marvels invented by mankind for granted? I hope not. God inspired many talented people to create things we could not even imagine hundreds of years ago. God gives the mind to create and discover. It is truly amazing! But what is more amazing? Inventions are pretty terrific but what about the whole of God's creation? This past week on Saturday night we experienced what was called 'the super moon' and people were in awe of its huge size. God is pretty great isn't he? He is the creator of lots of amazing things. Many scientists try to discount God saying how dinosaurs were here roaming the earth billions of years ago and that we came about as a result of 'The Big Bang Theory'. I saw a humorous bumper sticker in my church parking lot recently which read "The Big Bang Theory: God Spoke and Bang It Happened". Now that puts it in a nutshell I would say. If you are ever in the Cincinnati area I urge you to tour the Creation Museum just across the river in Northern Kentucky. This museum literally brings the Bible and Gods' creation to life before your very eyes. Check out www.creationmuseum.org for information. God is the maker of all things. The earth and the fullness thereof it says in Psalm 24:1. It is wonderful to see mountains, seashore, waterfalls, beautiful flowers, chirping birds, newborn babies, exotic animals and even our cute little pets at home. God sure did a terrific job with all of it, but then why wouldn't He as He is God. Genesis 1:1 says " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." He did and He said "It is good!" and he was right. Stop today to be amazed at the little things around you. PRAYER: Lord you are good and your creation is amazing. Help me never tke for granted the simple joys of life that are all around us. In Jesus name. Amen!  Click on link for an awesome worship song. http://youtu.be/0xwzItqYmII

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