When something is new it is special and treated with the utmost care. Take a new car for instance. When it is new we take the extra care to hand wash and wax it and do not let people eat inside of it. When someone has a new baby, particularly their first child, they may be overly protective and make sure no one picks it up if they have a cold and insures the infant is safe and secure. If you have a new home you take good care of it and keep things in place and keep it neat and clean. Recently I was in the food court of a newly remodeled and restored mall after a flood devastated it two years ago. People are looking at awe as they walk by newly cleaned up and rebuilt stores. A cleaning crew walks around picking up the tiniest scrap of paper someone leaves behind. The place is 'spic and span' as the saying goes. When you get new clothes you take good care of them and make sure they are kept clean and repaired. When you are in a relationship that turns into romance then into marriage you do everything possible to stay in love and do wonderful special things for your beloved. As a new Christian you are excited and hunger and thirst for God's word and want to do things that draw you closer to God.
Like anything new we become used to it and take it for granted over time and become complacent and let things fall into disrepair. In a relationship this can be devastating. As a married couple you need to insure you love and respect each other and remember why you fell in love in the first place. Don't stop dating and men, keep opening doors. As a Christian if you do not stay in the word of God, have fellowship with other believers, and do things to bring you closer to God the enemy will use that as an opportunity to throw you off course. When trials of life come your way, and they certainly will, you need to be grounded in the word of God.
It is good when we do accept Christ He wipes our sin slate away. It says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 "if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old has gone, the new has come." That is such a good thing to be brand new babes in Christ. We can move on and try to live for the Lord casting off works of darkness that separated us from Jesus.
Do not let your new life in Christ be taken or granted. Stay in the word and continually seek to become more mature. Don't let others lead you away from the truth. When you know something is wrong and disappoints the Lord then run fast the other way. Sin can easily entrap us. Stay excited about Jesus and keep on the path that leads you to a heavenly kingdom.
Don't lose you first love which is Jesus. Revelation 2:4 says this "But I have this complaint against you. You don't love me or each other as you did at first." Start keeping Jesus love in your heart fresh and alive. Do it by getting into his word daily. Start today. Read the 12th Chapter of Psalm and 12th Chapter of Proverbs to coincide with it being the 12th day of month. From here on out purpose in your heart to give Christ first place.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for my life in you. I want to stay excited and never become complacent or bored. I know the enemy would love to have me stumble off course. I look to you for my daily strength. In Jesus name. Amen.
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