Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Jesus came to set the captives free. What entraps you, has a hold on you, or captivates you? The enemy will lie and make you justify what holds you captive. You can not and must not believe his lies. Say " In Jesus name and by his blood, be gone Satan!"

 Alcoholism, drugs, sexual addictions, gossip, pornography, same sex attraction, judging, gluttony, homosexuality, hatred, an unforgiving spirit or something else might have a strong hold on you. The good news is you can be released from that strangle hold that squishes Jesus truth and drags you downhill. There is freedom in Christ and Christ alone. Don't keep justifying your sinful lifestyle and brushing it under the carpet. Satan is all for that. He likes you to be in a state of denial. Do not stoop to his level. Satan is the great deceiver and he has taken many captive by his schemes and tricks. Do not let it happen! Stay in God's word and the truth will set you free. Satan is the great destroyer. He wants to destroy your life and the life of your family. Do not be held  captive to his tricks, lies, deception and schemes.

 Jesus can help set you free. You no longer have to believe the tricks of the great liar, Satan. He will get you to  twist scripture and all sorts of stuff to make you feel you are not so bad. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy it says in John 10:10. Galatians 5:1 says "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm then, and do not allow yourselves to be entangled again with the yoke of bondage."  That word 'entangled' is a great word picture. Imagine thorny vines choking out a beautiful plant. You have to be careful clipping it or you get cut up pretty bad. In a prayer group I was in we prayed a few years ago for God to 'detangle' a problem that had a stronghold in one person's life. God is the great 'detangler' ,so let Him.

Do not let sin get a grip on you. Acts 8:23 says "For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin." John 8:36 tells us "For if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed." Break loose of the strongholds tearing you away from Jesus and run to Him.

PRAYER:Lord I want to be held captive by your love and your mighty power. I thank you that through you I have the power to resist the enemy and his tricks. He is puny compared to you. Lord thank you for being my strength and my shield and lifting me out of the pit and the trap Satan sets daily for me. In Jesus name. Amen.

Click on link below for a wonderful song of worship.

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