In this modern era we live in it seems everyone has to have a 'mobile device' or they're out of the loop. You have to be able to be connected 24/7 or the world is going to fall apart. Recently I was in the food court of a mall observing busy shoppers of all ages scurrying to and fro. A good majority of them over the age of 14 seemed to be having a death grip on their cell phone, aka 'mobile devices'. Back in the day the only people that 'had' to stay connected were medical doctors and they wore pagers. It is my opinion we would all do just fine if it went back to that. Didn't things go along just fine then? The younger generation would shriek "eeh gads"! Seems like we can not go out the door of our house without being able to be connected. It can be a rude habit as well if we neglect who we are with to be chatting or texting on our phone with others. Sure it is convenient and fun but is it always crucial? The answer is no.
If only we were enamored with Jesus and our 'walk' with Him the way we are with our cellular 'life support' devices. To get so excited about being a believer you would dare not forget your Bible on vacation. Maybe even carry a Gideon's pocket New testament to have 'just to read' when you are waiting somewhere. It has lots of good stuff in there to help your life. Instead of reading a gossip magazine while waiting somewhere why not pick up the Bible? Just something to think about. Carry scripture memory cards with you and while waiting go over a verse or two to feed your spirit. We can find all sorts of other distractions to kill time, why not add getting close to God to that list? Who cares if someone thinks you are weird or stares at you? Are you ashamed of Jesus? I hope not as it says not to be in Mark 8:38. It says " If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his father's glory with His holy angels."
My prayer for you is this. That you would grow to love Jesus more than TV, more than hobbies, more than eating out, more than life itself. Jesus is the reason we are all here yet we ignore Him and He sits waiting for us to call on Him. Let Philippians 1:9-10 be your prayer. Say it out loud. "And this is my prayer , that your love may abound more and more in the knowledge and depth of insight , so that you will be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless til the day of Christ."
PRAYER: Lord I love you and want you to have first place in my life. Help me structure my day around you and not wait til the last five minutes of the day to squeeze you in. Forgive me for not putting you first in my daily life and only calling on you in a crisis. In Jesus name. Amen.
Click on link for praise song to go along with this devotion.
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