Are we tied to our things? Our collections? Special photos perhaps? Maybe a voice mail you are saving or a text from your children or significant other? What happens when these things are lost or destroyed? Do you fall apart or go on with life? Basically falling apart does not help as we have no control over the situation. Just as in the tornado's here in the Southeast on 27 April, families lost nearly everything. Not being willing to part with things or having to save every last thing may qualify you to not only be on 'Hoarders' TV show but really is not a good thing. It is best to downsize and simplify your life and have less chaos and confusion as a result of 'stuff'. It says in scripture in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that "God is not the author of confusion" and perhaps this could mean the confusion surrounding the tons of things we think we can not live without? Something to think about. The more we have the more headaches we incur usually. How many things do we really need and how many collections are important?
Let's say you buy something you can not afford anyway, then only use it maybe one time. A good example is a boat. If boating is not your 'passion' you probably are not going to use it that much. You may have wanted one cause it looked fun or maybe someone else had one you were trying to keep up with? Maybe you can not stand not having a certain article of clothing and you buy it and it really does not make you happier and just adds to clutter in your closet. You save things you think you can not do without. How many of us think we have to buy each movie we really like and how many times do you watch it? Thus the DVDs and old VHS tapes pile up.
Maybe a good trip to thrift store is in order. I recently threw out many VHS tapes I had made back in the 80's of shows I thought I would watch again. They were sitting in the attic in boxes waiting for my family to have to go through when I died some day. Why not rid yourself of 'sentimental things' you do not need now? "Wait it may be worth something" you say. I am not saying to trash your school yearbooks and photos or your valuable Barbie doll or GI Joe collection but to ask yourself what you really do not need to have.
Why do we feel compelled to save old magazines and newspapers for instance? Why do you have to save every book you ever read? Now is the time with the new year to get your life in order both on spiritual level and a level of organization. Be a good steward of things God has blessed you with and share things you have too much of. You know someone who needs a coat and you have way too many coats? Give it to them. I think the scriptures even say that. Hebrews 13:16 for instance says "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." So many things we just seemingly do not want to get rid of for whatever reason. I for one do not want to be a candidate to be on the show 'Hoarders' I mentioned in an earlier paragraph. Philippians 2:4 says "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Do you have something extra you can share with someone in need? Even something hard to give up perhaps? That would even be more of a sacrifice.
Start today to end the 'sentimental junk journey' and to see what valuable treasures you have that you could share with others. Do not give someone your old junk as you would not want old junk either. But if you have things still in good shape just sitting around go help someone. Call a charity to see if they need a donation. Do you have extra furniture? There may be a family who needs it who just can not afford things.
1 John 3:17 says"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?"
Do what you can today to help simplify your life and to add to the life of another. You will both feel good.
PRAYER: Lord help me see what I have that I do not need that could help someone else out. Help me not be selfish if I know of someone who needs something and I have the means to help them. Give me a sharing heart. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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