Many of you reading this,I am sure, have been confronted with the uncomfortable feeling of encountering what the world would call a 'bum' or a needy person who looks so down and out it makes you almost feel guilty for having success and wealth. Yes indeed most of us are wealthy to lots of street people. Many on the street may be mentally ill but many are there due to trying times in their life. Not all people under bridges want to be there.
Most of us do not want to involve ourselves in the lives of these human beings. "Do not give them money they will use it it for booze" is the common thing you hear. Recently while visiting my mom in Kentucky I was in the public library trying to use Wi Fi and as I sat there using my computer while my mom read the newspapers, a very pitiful man was seated across from me.I mean he just sat. No books, no papers, just sat. Not sure if he needed money or was just depressed and hanging out. Lots of homeless hang out at public libraries I understand. Do you dare embarrass them when they are not begging by saying " here take this ten dollar bill?" We know we can not invite them all into our warm cushy homes but how do you help? Some folks are afraid to help and try to avoid them. What should you do and how can you help? Well I missed my chance that day as while I sat and pondered what to do he left. So what would you do? What does God say to do? Even while updating this story here at a local Starbucks a gentleman came in who started talking out loud and singing out loud. It was strange I admit and there were stares. He appeared mentally ill and lonely which is sad. He is still God's creation.
First the thought came to me on both occasions that these individuals could have been one of God's angels sent as a 'test' of sorts to see how we react to them. Hebrews 13:2 says "Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! " James 2:15-17 says "Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." Matthew 25:44 says "They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
The thinking today by many is that the wealth should be 'redistributed' for it is not 'fair' for some to have much and others to be destitute. No where in the Bible is taking people's money away from them to help others justified or even mentioned. Christians should want to be generous and help and there are many charities in this country to help those going through a hard time. It is not the governments place to confiscate wealth. We for sure need to help someone if we feel led in our hearts. That still small voice inside may be speaking to you. Now ladies need to be careful as to not put themselves in a dangerous situation of course. Be careful not to think more highly of yourself than you ought it says in Romans 12:3. We never know if we will end up in need. Treat all people with respect.
When you have the love of Christ inside of you, you should want to help those who are having a hard time. So where is your heart today? Do you share with those less fortunate? If you do no need to brag about it. God knows and he will reward you. Keep an eye out for how you can show God's love in a hurting world.
PRAYER: Open the eyes of my heart to the needs of the hurting around me and help me not be stingy with those in need. Give me one pure and Holy passion to serve you Lord through being kind to others. In Jesus name. Amen.
Note: Worship the Lord now in song by clicking on the link below.
Also read 2 Corinthians 8 about encouraging giving generously.
Many of you reading this,I am sure, have been confronted with the uncomfortable feeling of encountering what the world would call a 'bum' or a needy person who looks so down and out it makes you almost feel guilty for having success and wealth. spiritual development