If you are not for something you are usually against it. There is really no sitting on the fence in between. You either have a passion for the Lord or you are running away from him. To just simply say you are Christian is not enough. The more you compromise your walk with the Lord and do things you know displease him the more you are separated from him. Little by little your love for the Lord grows cold and before you know it the fire you had has gone out completely. Things of the world that are wrong or evil do not seem to bother you as much. In actuality the things of the world should have little attraction to you.
Maybe you do not feel close to God because you are in a lifestyle you know in fact displeases God. Perhaps your are compromising what you are doing in your personal or business life and it is dishonoring to him. You may be convicted but not enough to quit and run back to God.
To be with the Lord and turn back to Him is not to say you have to be doing things of the Lord around the clock but your desire should be to please him and in every thing you do you should ask yourself if it would bring you closer to the Lord or further distance you from him. No matter what you do the Lord still loves you but He is waiting for you to come to him daily and talk to him in prayer and read the Bible. Do you still do this? Are your prayers more of the memorized kind or are they truly from the depths of your heart? Cry out to Jesus. He is there and he is ever present. Don't ignore him.
Do you want to be back in love with Jesus again and get excited about the things of the Lord? Do you want to desire Jesus more than gold? Do you desire to make Him first in your day? It can be done. You have to 'put off' things keeping you from a closer walk and hindering your faith. Colossians 3:8 mentions a list of things to 'put off' which include anger,wrath,malice, blasphemy, filthy language and lying.
One of the things we deal with are imaginings where the enemy puts thoughts in your head that get you confused or make you think you are okay the way you are. Satan is a master deceiver of keeping you in a lukewarm state. Revelation 3:16 says "if we are lukewarm he will spit us out of his mouth."
Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.". This does not mean we have to go out and become monks but we are not to get sucked into the worlds' ways but to be a representative of the Lord here on this earth. You can still have fun and enjoy life, just follow Gods' guidelines.
PRAYER: Lord today I choose to live a life that pleases you. I desire to 'fall back in love' with you Lord. Help everything I say and do please you. Give me strength to get rid of things in my life that do not bring me closer to you. In Jesus name, amen!
(Enjoy this Rush of Fools praise song when you have time to listen. Click on link below.)
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