It has been my privilege to spend time in our Nations' Capitol these past two years visiting offices of our Representatives. These men and women are elected to represent us and our viewpoints when voting for legislation. As we have seen in past year they do not always do this very well and go their own way. They are supposed to 'represent' us thus the name representative. We call them our Congress and our Senate.
In the body of Christ we are to be His Representatives representing Jesus to the world around us. We are his ambassadors. How are you doing? Do you represent the kingdom of God in a good way or do you shame the Lord? Ambassadors are supposed to put on a good face and represent in a good way. They are to be the person who could represent what the country stands for and not bring shame upon it.
Lets say you are in a foreign country and someone finds out you are an American. Would your actions and appearance represent the United States like you wanted to or would you embarrass your nation? This is something to think about in the kingdom of God. There is a saying, "If you were arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?"
Some things to think about would be when you drive do you speed and cut people off? Is your attire befitting of a Christian? For instance for ladies do you dress modestly with nothing too short, too low cut, too tight or too sheer? Do you let people go in front of you in line occasionally? Is your language befitting of a believer in the Lord? When it comes to entertainment choices do you use discernment of what you allow in your mind because remember Jesus is in you and he has to sit through whatever you sit through. Are you any different than those around you? We are to mingle with non believers and not stay in a holy huddle but we do not go purposely to places we know would not please God.
2 Corinthians 5:20 says "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God." 1 Peter 2:9 says "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." Be a light for his kingdom wherever you go in the world. We are called out of darkness to light up this world for Jesus. Go do your job and shine for Jesus today!!
PRAYER: Lord today I want to be your representative wherever I go. Help me to not act haughty but to be humble and represent the body of Christ in a good way. Let the things I do and say bring glory to you and your kingdom. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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