On an old Saturday Night Live sketch actor Kevin Nealon, played a psychologist, who would say "Harness the good, release the bad." Kind of humorous but true. Then he would say over and over "harness, release, harness, release." There is much truth to that. We are to forget stuff that is bad and in past and focus on positive uplifting things. Somehow it seems easier to be mad than to be cheerful. I have heard you get more wrinkles if you frown. Not sure on that one but why chance it huh? Many complain and sometimes it is justified, but let us not get in a habit of being negative. Staying positive means staying focused on good things. In Philippians 4:18 it says "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Say to yourself, what do I have to complain about? I am so greatly blessed. Even if suffering in a wheelchair or laid up temporarily we still have to be thankful to the Lord for each day he has given us to impact our world for Him. Are you doing that today or are you going out and about with a negative spirit?
Oh there were grumblers and complainers in the Bible. We are to learn from them and their stories. Here is one example of complaining. In Exodus 17:3 it says "But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, "Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?"
If you have trouble staying positive, talk out loud to yourself when you are somewhere private and say positive confessions like " I am a child of the living God'. "God has a perfect plan for my life" "The Lord wants me to forgive those who have hurt me". "I will not let any bad thing come out of my mouth today that is negative and I need your help God." A good friend of mine up in the windy city area used to say, "Blow it off!" Good advice. Or the younger generation uses the phrase "It is not that deep'. You get the idea. Try to make yourself aware of how you are being negative and nip it in the bud.
Put on some good Christian praise and worship music to help you stay focused on Jesus and not negative things going on around us. God is in control and even in seemingly bad situations he is still there working behind the scenes to work things out. Trust him but keep praying. It is more pleasant to be around happy people that are positive than to be around a complainer. I remember on an episode of the Christian children's show 'Gospel Bill' and now called 'Adventures in Dry Gulch' there was a skit where one of the characters had a dream and a voice kept saying, "You complain too much, you complain too much." Try to get rid of any critical spirit you have and pray instead and see what happens!!
PRAYER: Father God we thank you for the beautiful earth and we thank you for this day. We thank you for placing us in life just where you have us. Help us Lord to try to be cheerful as much as possible. We know there are times to voice a complaint but help us do all things in love. Father keep our hearts, minds and thoughts pure and focused on you. In Jesus Name, Amen!
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