Say what?? What is up sister? Whatever do you mean by this?
This morning I was sitting thinking about the importance of following God's ways and getting into his word, the Bible, daily. Many people do not want to read the Bible. "It is boring, it is old fashioned", they say. "I do not understand it. Where do I start?" "Leave that to the preacher. He has been to seminary." "The priest reads what we need to hear." There are sure lots of excuses.
There are many fun ways to learn the books of the Bible and four of my favorite books are in the New Testament not too far behind the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. A simple method to remember them is this acronym in today's title or another one is "General Electric Power Company". These are the books of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. In the Bible I am using today, which is the Living Bible version, these four little books are only 16 pages long. My goodness. Do you have about 10 minutes? That is about all it would take to read these four books of God's word. And there is so much guidance, hope and promises in those 16 pages. Now who does not have the time to sit for 10 minutes and read through these books? "Hey you do not understand. I have to hurry and get to work, I am running late." I hear you loud and clear. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. Be creative. Find a way to give God your time today. I am guilty of rushing around and not allowing time to pray and read His word too so I am not judging here just trying to help you find a fun creative way to sit down with a cup of coffee and feast on the word of God. Take your Bible with you and go to Starbucks. It is okay to read it in public.
In these four books you will find many verses to inspire you and perhaps give you a different outlook at the world around you. I will leave you with a few verses and also a song to listen to to help you enjoy your Friday and inspire you. Be blessed today.
Galatians 6:7 "Don't be misled,remember you can not ignore God and get away with it. A man will always reap just what he sows." Ephesians 6:11 "Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all the strategies and tricks of Satan." Philippians 4:19 "And it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for us." And finally, Colossians 3:13 "Be gentle and ready to forgive, never hold grudges. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others." Now for the 'rest of the story'.
PRAYER: Lord help those today who have lost their way and can not find joy in you or your word. Open their hearts to understand your word and what you want them to hear. Help the Bible come alive to them. Father we know the enemy, the devil, tries to come and spread lies and snatch your word out of our hearts. Help us resist him by praising you and reading your word. There is hope in Jesus and no other. It is my prayer that today reading the Bible will help change hearts and lives. In Jesus Name. Amen!
Good practical advice!