Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Monday, December 13, 2010


There are times we do not like to wait. We are going through something and want to take matters into our own hands. I think of the story of Isaac and Jacob  in the book of Genesis. There are others.
Even in Bible times people had lessons to learn and we learn from them.  God is in charge and he does not want us to manipulate situations as they will backfire on you. He wants you to trust him for with each
days problems. One day, as the saying goes, you will look back and laugh. Sometimes things get hard and you just want to quit.   Not every job in life is going to be peachy, not even a job for a ministry. Things
happen because humans get in the way and there are personalities clashes. The key word for all problems is 'through'  meaning some day it will be behind you so hang on. James 1:12 says 'blessed is the man who stands steadfast under trial for When he has stood the test he will receive the crown of  life which God has promised to those who love him.'

How can pain be good or dealing with creepy people be for my good?  When we are tested it shows what is really in us. God is developing us and growing us to be like him, it is how you react in this trial that matters.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to endure and be strong during a trial?  Well it can happen it just takes tons of practice. When you are doing something for the Lord too the enemy will try to discourage you and step on your toes and  kill your dream. He, Satan,did a work on me yesterday. I was at the point I was going to stop writing my daily devotions. Even though I had received accolades from a group of seniors just the day prior I was ready to throw in the towel.  Then a cousin told me the enemy is the one coming against me. I knew that and I needed a reminder. All people go through things. My sis says look at the people in the world being attacked who keep on fighting and smiling. I think of Sarah Palin. That poor woman has endured more from the media than any normal person could take but she stands firm. God wants us to stand up and endure under pressure.

So my friend, what is it you are going through right now? God knows and he cares. When the waters overflow you they will not cause you to drown. Talk to Jesus. He cares and he is your best friend.

PRAYER:   Dear Lord this is the day you have made we shall rejoice and be glad in it. Anything  that comes our way today we can conquer with your power living in us. Help us  to resist the enemy and he will flee
from us.  Guard our hearts from believing the lies of the enemy and press on to the crown that awaits us. in Jesus name. Amen.

Disclaimer: writing on an IPAD I am just getting used to so forgive
gaps in punctuation. I will figure it out eventually. Have a blessed

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