Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


In the book of Jonah in the Old Testament Jonah is told by God to go preach to Nineveh and let them know if they did not repent God was going to destroy them because of their wickedness. Well this is the last thing on earth Jonah wanted to do. He was afraid and ran way from
the Lord. Most of us know the story how he went and got on a ship to sail away from God, as I call it. There is no running  or sailing away from God. If he has a task for you to do He knows where you are.

In 1999 when I lived in Mesa, Arizona myself and a fairly new friend who I did not know that well were leaving ladies Bible study when this sort of worn out looking super suntan young man in cut off jeans came running up to us saying something like he figures we could help this
one lady since we were ' coming out of a church'.  My immediate reaction was to hold my purse closer to me. Before we followed the man to where this woman was seated on the grass we sort of looked at each other not knowing each other very well and I am thinking, 'I will let
my friend, lets call her Suzy Q, handle this. She can probably do better.' She may have been thinking the same about me not knowing me very well either.

Neither of us had knowledge at the time, but across the street from our church was a domestic abuse shelter. The woman who apparently needed help had issues with no money, messed up meds, boyfriend problems and the young man, who I now feel was an angel who appeared
then vanished, saw us and wanted us to come over and just offer prayer for her. He handed her a book of Mormon  (Mesa is 2nd largest Mormon population in U S) and disappeared down the street. I immediately asked her for the Book of Mormon back since it is a cult and false
teaching and told her we would get her a Bible inside the church. (Revelation 22:19 says 'And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person's share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book.)

After praying with her on the grass in front of the shelter on our knees we asked if she could go inside the church with us and find her a Christian counselor to go further than we could. I am not sure why this happened but I laugh as after that day I said to my friend, 'I think I will park somewhere else next time.' LOL. If God has a task for you to do you can not run from him, just like Jonah tried to do, because he will find you. He is God.( Read the book of Jonah which is only 3 pages long.)
God will empower his followers to do the tasks he has called you to do. Ephesians 1:19 says "I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe him. It is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in heaven." So go in faith and know whatever God has called you to do he will help you through it.
PRAYER: Father God situations come into our lives where we may not be bold enough to take a leap of faith to do what it is you have called us to do. Help us Lord to trust you to direct our steps and empower us to complete the tasks you have called us to do. In Jesus Name, Amen!

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