Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Christmas is upon us. Once again the battle rages of people afraid to say 'Merry Christmas' and instead say they say "Happy Holidays". I guess that is a way to cover all the events in one greeting but to some it shows that maybe they are afraid to acknowledge Christmas.Why not just say "Merry Christmas"! (http://www.operationjustsaymerrychristmas.com/). I intentionally try to remember to say Merry Christmas to the check out person at my local stores.  Christ seems to be taken out of everything ,but news flash, without Jesus birth there is no Christmas vacation, winter vacation, or holiday or whatever else the politically correct care to call December 25th. Isaiah 9:6 says "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

Many who are offended by saying 'Merry Christmas' probably are not offended by the materialism which accompanies it. Christmas is about giving to others and most importantly saying "Happy Birthday to Jesus". Why it offends so many to not say it because the word "Christ' is in it is beyond me. But our world is trying to legislate Jesus away and just put him up on a shelf. Hear ye, hear ye, Jesus is here to stay and laws are not going to make him go away. Santa is sure put up on a throne of sorts and all his little elves and reindeer but forget talking about "away in a manger". As my oldest grown son said to a store clerk back when he was small when she asked him if he was looking forward to Santa's arrival he said, "It is not Santa's birthday,  it's Jesus birthday." From the mouth of babes.

This Christmas celebrate the spirit of Christ through giving to others. Salvation Army kettles are a good place to start. Even those are not allowed by some store chains like they used to be.

Church for some also only comes twice a year at Christmas and Easter as if these are some sacred day beyond all others where they better go or else. I am not trying to make fun of this but only saying that going to church is nice of course to celebrate these two Christian days but why not go the other 50 weeks as well? One chaplain in the Air Force I knew used to refer to these types of people who went to church twice a year as Holly and Lily Christians. Do not get me wrong. It is a great thing to do but why not get into the habit of celebrating Christ all throughout the year?

So this Christmas season enjoy the journey through this marvelous time of year but pause to remember what it is all about and celebrate by putting Jesus first because after all , it is His birthday.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for your birthday where we get to celebrate your birth and your life. We thankyou for living in a Christian land where we are free to say Merry Christmas to others. Forgive us if we have not made this day your day and instead maybe have made it more about candy canes and elves. Help us to show your love to others not just at Christmas but every day of the year. Lead us to someone Lord who needs to be shown your love not just on Christmas but the other 364 days as well. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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