It is good to not always be rushing hither and thither. Not sure if those are real words but they get point across. On this one I am preaching to the choir .In our fast paced society it is easy to burn the candle at both ends. We seem to enjoy telling people, "I am just too busy to do that?" Perhaps you have a problem saying no to seemingly good causes. You overload yourself to the point your quality of life and family life is suffering. It is time to tame the busy monster if he is attacking you. What in your life is not really necessary? This goes for moms of young children too who seem to think their offspring need to be in constant lessons to develop themselves. It is good to let children try things but not dance, softball, horseback riding, golf and art all after school with no days off. You get my point. We are teaching them to be on this endless treadmill too. I challenge each of you to put down the cell phone, turn off the computer, get away from the television and get outside and go explore alone with no technology. Yes it is possible to not be connected to the outside world and it is great. Might be a great time to connect with the Lord too. If you work try it on your lunch break. Why do you think you need to work through lunch?
Satan likes us to be busy because then we get hassled and frazzled and do not normally make time for God in our day. Perfect plan for him to get you away from growing strong in the Lord. Plan your day around the Bible and not the other way around. In Psalm 46:1 it says "Be still and know that I am God." Hmmm, Be still. Sounds really nice to me. In Job 9:25 it says, “My life passes more swiftly than a runner. It flees away without a glimpse of happiness." What are you doing with that life? Are you making it count for God's kingdom?
This past Sundays sermon at Church of the Highlands in Birmingham said when life becomes chaotic we become scattered, reactive, frantic and stressed.(Chris Hodges, pastor).
That is so true. Slow down and smell the roses. Do like the British do and go sip awhile over a 'spot of tea'. "Come to me all you are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:28-29.)
PRAYER: Lord today I ask you show us what in our lives is of no value or dragging us from the path you have set before us. Help us use discernment when selecting activities. Help us to have the courage to say no to things when our schedule is overwhelming us. You did not intend Lord for us to lead frazzled lives just as at the extreme you did not intend for us to be lazy either. Help us to find balance. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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