A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.Proverbs 15:4
What things can you think of that sting? Bees, mosquito bites, alcohol on an open wound, are things that readily come to mind but have you thought about words? Yes what you say to someone or what they say to you.
Verbal abuse stings and wounds like crazy to those victimized by it. A verbal abuser may have experienced this themselves so they talk better to a household pet than their spouse or children. This should not happen in a Christ centered home. Often times the abuser has no clue or feels the other person deserves this verbal beat down. Often friends(?) do verbal beatdowns and name calling as well either in front of you, on Facebook, or behind your back. Ouch.
Only the Holy Spirit will change this ugly uncalled for behavior. Many times a person can be overly harsh and demeaning to a loved one and might be clueless unless it is pointed out. If you have suffered this continue to pray. Perhaps get counseling to figure out what might be the root cause of the anger and put downs. Above all you are to love like Christ loved and to forgive the same way. Try to not engage in arguing or being ugly back and simply give it to God.
PRAYER: Sticks and stones can break my bones and so ugly mean words can break my spirit. If I have hurt anyone convict me and help me to learn to not harbor bitterness towards a person who has hurt me be it a friend, spouse, child, or stranger. Help my words build up not torture and tear down. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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