For this commandment is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way to life. Proverbs 6:23
It amazes me how Christian things are hijacked, watered down, or totally eliminated. It is partly due to a lack of Bible knowledge or even desire for His truth and partly due to no real relationship with the King of Kings as a result of churches in name only who don’t preach the infallible word of God or some folks are Christian but stay home.
So there is Easter or Resurrection Day I like to refer to it. Bunnies, flowers, baby chicks, spring flowers, but where is the Cross? Oh yes you can buy a chocolate Cross in some stores but really? Then Christmas where do reindeer and sleigh rides and a desire for snow come in with the birth of a the savior in a stable? Then our beautiful rainbow a covenant promise from God and you know what happened to it to the point people are afraid to buy a kite that looks like a rainbow.
It is time to get back to basics and by basics try reading a ‘paper’ Bible and carrying in to church with you. Put it on your night stand or end table in your den and not to decorate but pick it up, open it, and read. Even keep one in your car. Satan is a master of keeping Christians away from the word. He is a liar, a thief, a deceiver, a con artist, and he does not care one iota for you but is on a mission to eradicate the truth which is found in the word. But if it is not read it does little good. How about starting a new habit of reading Galatians first, then Ephesians , only 6 chapters, Philippians and finally Colossians and I call it General Electric Power Company or Gentiles Eat Pork Chops to remember them found in the New Testament. So much good stuff in there. Don’t let the enemy trick you into thinking you don’t need to read it. Just do it!
PRAYER: Oh how I love the word and love to meditate on it day and night. It lightens my load and helps me deal with some much ugliness in this world. Put a desire into people who think they have arrived and don’t need scripture to be hungry for God’s truth. Protect those from Satan’s tricks who currently diss church and The Bible. Awaken those who once were on fire for you Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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