Social Media Threats. Is That Really Being Social?
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3Satan, the great deceiver, has been working overtime in the world but especially this great nation, The United States Of America. Every time I start to veer off the peace, love, Joy, encouragement manner of my writing I hear from people and sometimes I get requests to unsubscribe even from friends. But the spirit is and has been prompting me to write about this great divide we see in our nation. Once again my disclaimer if this is NOT political so breathe easy.There is good and evil, right versus wrong. Ever since the United States was founded by those seeking freedom from religious persecution it continues to be the onslaught of attacks even sometimes by those who claim to be ‘religious’. Let me say you can claim to be religious because you are a member of a church but that does not mean the Holy Spirit has infiltrated your life and made you a new creature in Christ. Verses in the word of God mention things like “the preaching of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness but to us ho are being saved it is the power of God” (See 1 Corinthians 1:18).Social media is turning into a challenge for freedom of speech or so it seems. Very opinionated people post awful comments about our current president and you dare not oppose their view. I want to point out that this is Spiritual Warfare. This is not a battle of political parties, conservative versus liberal, gay versus straight, democracy versus communism and socialism, but strictly of forces trying to destroy America and what we have stood for for over 200 years.It is sad brother and sister when the news media becomes more important in shaping a person than the word of God does. Everyone needs to pray for a particular person whether they feel like it or not. No one should want to see lost souls or buy into lies appearing as truth. But each of us needs to guard our hearts from being misled and captured by demonic spirits trying to tear us apart. Make no mistake the Holy Spirit has to bring deep conviction into a person’s heart before they ever change. Read more on Spiritual Warfare In Ephesians Chapter 6. And do not fear terror because God Almighty still rules and reigns. Just be nice to people ok?PRAYER:Father God Today I lift up those people caught up in sheer hatred toward political figures who seem to polarize. My job is to love, forgive, pray, and trust you. You Lord are in control. Help those people who think they are more knowing than others and hurt them on social media. Help broken family fractures and friendships. Infiltrate my mind with your truth and help those I know who need your love to find you in a special way. In Jesus.’ Name. Amen.
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