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Monday, August 31, 2020
Amid This Turmoil Jesus Is Lord
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Help Us Jesus!
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
(Ephesians 4:2, NIV)The current political climate is right from the enemies playbook. Family members accusing other family members of being morons because of who they chose to vote for. Facebook turning into a boxing match if you dare show support for a particular candidate.My brother and sister when will the bickering stop? Only the Holy Spirit can change a person’s heart and arguing about politics only drives a wedge between relationships.Why not purpose in your heart to not hate and not to intentionally stir up ugliness. All sorts of rhetoric has gone back and forth by people trying to prove their point. Allow God to use you to draw others closer together not to divide and when attacked verbally to forgive even if not asked to. Matthew 5:44 says”But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” I feel it is a good practice to not be putting this on social media. If you have to post something why not something cheery? Now go out and intentionally have a blessed day.PRAYER: Lord I want to be seen as a peacemaker not an agitator. I forgive anyone who has hurt me knowingly or unknowingly by misspoken words or Facebook drama. Help me stay closer to you by getting into the word first thing daily. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Pray Without Ceasing
"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)Are you a pray-er or do you feel like you really don’t know how to pray? Prayer is simply a conversation with God. No fancy language is required just say “Hey God it’s me Becky”...and then continue, or however you choose to.It is so essential that you begin each day with prayer. You may tell me you prayed for years and saw no results on a certain issue and I would say “press on” as God’s time is not our time. The Lord loves you and He wants to hear from you and you may say if he is the almighty he already knows but I would say go to Him anyway.The enemy Satan is the one keeping you being a spiritual weakling and tries to make you feel your prayers don’t matter. They do my friend. Luke 18:1 says to pray without ceasing. Don’t do anything else before you get up and talk to God. You can even talk while driving (eyes open) of course. Prayer is powerful and it DOES pull down strongholds the enemy has tried to erect. Don’t stop and you will see the glory and goodness of the Lord.PRAYER: I am thankful for prayer and for those friends and family I can pray with and for. Help me continue to press in no matter what. Even if I start to feel defeated I know the answer is at the door. Open my eyes to see the hurt around me to pray for as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Pandemic Please End
Thursday, August 27, 2020
What Is Your Assignment?
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Don’t ‘Boot’ The Almighty
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.Galatians 5:24
In the subdivision I live in there is much new home construction going on and several contractor trailers parked on the street. They are locked and left there and ‘booted’ kind of like when a patrolman will boot a vehicle that has been stolen.Made me think of how many of us might put a ‘boot’ of sorts on Jesus. Just for Sunday one hour but don’t go crazy and take things too seriously like a ‘Jesus freak’. My response would be how do you expect to receive power and walk in victory going through ‘religious motions’ one hour a week.Only the Holy Spirit can draw a person unto Christ. Continue to pray for those you know who seem cold or lukewarm to things of the Lord. And examine your own heart to see how much you really love and are devoted to the Lord.PRAYER: I want to never be ashamed of the Lord nor put other things ahead of my time for worship each Sunday, and I ask for a burning passion to let the things of the world take second place to the Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.Click link for a powerful Message in song:https://youtu.be/FA6lC40Dlf0
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Get Ready To Rumble!!
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives.Proverbs 11:30
No I am not referring to a wrestling match or ice hockey game but indeed the ‘main event’ which many think may be Sunday at worship services but really that is not the ‘big deal’. That indeed gets you equipped to go out into the mission field on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.Due to Covid 19 and the curve flattening then expanding again meeting together in church has not happened in person much until recently for many but online instead. It is great to be nourished spiritually and it is necessary but scripture also speaks of not neglecting worshiping together(Hebrews 10:25) and leaving your first love(Revelation 2:4).
This time in your life the mission field is Ripe for the harvest or in other words there are many souls yearning for peace, joy, and hope and truly only God can fill that immense void. Are you strong in the Lord during this time or have you caved in so God can’t even use you in your present condition. You are here at this time in history for such a time as this. Run your race to win and share the truth so you bring others along with you.
PRAYER: This Earth and life is so very temporary. I never know when I will breathe my last breath. Help me Lord to use my allotted time wisely to help bring there to know you and find the way to Heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
NOTE: Idea for title of my message came from Pastor Micah’s Carter, Church of the Highlands, Birmingham, AL. Many of those who know me as a writer know that I usually pick a catchy title before I even write.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Being Still When You Feel Like You’re Losing Control
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7(NLT)
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Defeat Evil With Good
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Faith Talking
Friday, August 21, 2020
Overwhelmed With Life?
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.Isaiah 41:10
How are you doing mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially in this time of Covid life? It’s definitely different and not fun. If you continue to dwell on negatives you could quickly find yourself in a major slump which may even end in drug or alcohol abuse,suicide, not reading Bible or attending church, and social withdrawal.
Jesus loves you my sweet precious friend and each and every life has purpose and value. When the problems you might already perceive as problems in life are coupled with Covid restrictions it may be too much to bear. Press on brother and sister.
As a believer and follower of Christ you may just feel like where is God in all this. Life that is without problems is never a promise. Stuff happens. Things break. People die unexpectedly. Life sends you a huge curve ball and if you don’t stop and get yourself together you may end up a casualty. This is what the enemy wants. He wants you so overwhelmed and distraught that he puts wrong thinking into your head. The only way to counter it is to fight back with scripture. Don’t let Satan win by disabling you for the kingdom and trying to get you to throw one big pity party which only you will attend and no cake even served.
PRAYER: Almighty God I ask you to bring Supernatural comfort to anyone suffering through a trying time now. Help me to tune in to those around me who may need a word of hope from you. Guard my heart so that I too don’t succumb to enemies tactics to bring me down. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Note: In the coming days I will be bringing more messages of hope for anyone suffering and feeling at the end of their rope. Suggestions are to tune into uplifting Christian radio, stay away from Facebook nd other social media except to read Christian posts. Insure you spend time meditating on God’s word. Call a trusted friend for prayer. Keep the news OFF!
Www.klove.com uplifting Christian radio
1-800-700-7000 For 24 hour prayer.
1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Line
Thursday, August 20, 2020
But Wait!! That's Not All!
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Passwords,Don’t You Love Them? Not!
And call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." Psalm 50:15Passwords a thing of spy movies and the modern age we live in. Almost everything requires validation to enter the system. Forget your password and go through all sorts of hoops to reestablish a connection.I am just very thankful passwords are not required to access God and Jesus. Everyone is on a level playing field and no special knock, handshake, membership card, or password is required to gain access around the clock.No matter your social standing, race, economic status, alma mater, honor societies, job or no job, church affiliation or political affiliation, God is only a prayer away. Many need a personal relationship with Him and just sort of cast him aside. Others who claim to ‘know Him’ don’t spend much time with him. Are you making sure God knows you? He loves you. He wants your devotion. He wants time with you. Remember he doesn’t need a password. Just pray.PRAYER: Father God many days I ignore you as I rush into the tyranny of the urgent and get Satan smiling as he does not want me to spend any time with you but to get caught up in this present world and it’s problems. Forgive me and make me see you as urgent and press on to let others things wait while I start each day with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Social Media Threats. Is That Really Being Social?
Social Media Threats. Is That Really Being Social?
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3Satan, the great deceiver, has been working overtime in the world but especially this great nation, The United States Of America. Every time I start to veer off the peace, love, Joy, encouragement manner of my writing I hear from people and sometimes I get requests to unsubscribe even from friends. But the spirit is and has been prompting me to write about this great divide we see in our nation. Once again my disclaimer if this is NOT political so breathe easy.There is good and evil, right versus wrong. Ever since the United States was founded by those seeking freedom from religious persecution it continues to be the onslaught of attacks even sometimes by those who claim to be ‘religious’. Let me say you can claim to be religious because you are a member of a church but that does not mean the Holy Spirit has infiltrated your life and made you a new creature in Christ. Verses in the word of God mention things like “the preaching of the cross is to those who are perishing foolishness but to us ho are being saved it is the power of God” (See 1 Corinthians 1:18).Social media is turning into a challenge for freedom of speech or so it seems. Very opinionated people post awful comments about our current president and you dare not oppose their view. I want to point out that this is Spiritual Warfare. This is not a battle of political parties, conservative versus liberal, gay versus straight, democracy versus communism and socialism, but strictly of forces trying to destroy America and what we have stood for for over 200 years.It is sad brother and sister when the news media becomes more important in shaping a person than the word of God does. Everyone needs to pray for a particular person whether they feel like it or not. No one should want to see lost souls or buy into lies appearing as truth. But each of us needs to guard our hearts from being misled and captured by demonic spirits trying to tear us apart. Make no mistake the Holy Spirit has to bring deep conviction into a person’s heart before they ever change. Read more on Spiritual Warfare In Ephesians Chapter 6. And do not fear terror because God Almighty still rules and reigns. Just be nice to people ok?PRAYER:Father God Today I lift up those people caught up in sheer hatred toward political figures who seem to polarize. My job is to love, forgive, pray, and trust you. You Lord are in control. Help those people who think they are more knowing than others and hurt them on social media. Help broken family fractures and friendships. Infiltrate my mind with your truth and help those I know who need your love to find you in a special way. In Jesus.’ Name. Amen.
Monday, August 17, 2020
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.Proverbs 18:24
Friends are great. To be a friend you have to show yourself friendly. You can’t wait for another to always make the first move.
As I write this I embark on yet another journey and a new season of life to make new friends. I am not anxious about it because God always brings people right at the time they are needed. I am not writing this so you will feel sorry for me but so that if you are complaining you have no friends you get going to be a friend. Pray God opens doors that you could not otherwise imagine.
One of the closest friends I had was one where before entering a church ladies function in Arizona years ago I simply prayed, “Lord show me who you want me to sit by who looks lonely” whereas the girl I sat next to had prayed a similar prayer asking God to have someone sit next to her. It could be at church, a coffee shop, school, a movie theater, a prayer group, even in the service department of an auto dealer. Many times in the past friends were made due to children’s activities but now as an empty nester, if you are there like I am, that season is over. God has new things awaiting you. Step out and step in to the new role God has opened up for you. You may have not just moved like I did but maybe it is time to move on and show yourself friendly to someone who is aching for a friend.
PRAYER:Lord you have so many good things for those who wait upon you. Your timing is perfect. Father women seem to make friends easier so I pray for any men out there who need a friend who will stick closer than a brother. Prepare my heart and prompt me to listen to your still small voice. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Chill, Bite Your Tongue
A quick-tempered person does foolish things, and the one who devises evil schemes is hated.Proverbs 14:17What things set you off? Line jumpers?Those who leave their vehicle at gas pump and go shop? Slow restaurant service? Those who don’t listen well or hear well causing you to have to needlessly repeat? People who litter?No matter what the scenarios may be if you are in fact a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ you have big sandals to fill because you represent him in front of others. Underlying conditions can create outbursts and some may not be aware of their episodes.If you know someone like this or even live with them keep lifting them up in prayer for inner healing. Maybe something in their past caused this bad aspect of their personality.Love the Lord and live your fellow man whether they act nice or not. Remember you are a representative of Jesus in front of strangers as well as your family.PRAYER: Jesus help me not to try to win arguments or settle disputes but to remain still and be prayerful. Let me bite my tongue when I feel like lashing out as I know angry words breed quarrels. Help me be gentle and still. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Oh Baby Cakes
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6It is easy when startled or upset to blurt our an exclamative word such as some I would not write in a Christian devotion but they start with the letters S, F, H, or G. Enough said. Even believers can be guilty of using bad language but should we?If you have trouble in this area why not practice next time you get in a situation where you would automatically say the other less redeeming words say “Oh baby cakes” and move on. Practice the habit of making yourself talk in a more uplifting manner such as if Jesus were with you cause he is.This is not acting self righteous because everyone slips up but another good thing to do is don’t make it a practice to fill your mind with novels, TV, movies, that use foul language. You can control that mostly by reviews and movie ratings. Don’t compromise your walk with the Lord.PRAYER: Father I want desperately to glorify you in all I say and do. Keep me from entertaining wrong thoughts as I seek to be an example and good witness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Friday, August 14, 2020
'Jesus Trucks'
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Every Effort
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.2 Peter 1:5-7As a believer how is your walk? I mean are you “studying to show yourself approved a workman that does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth” like it says in 2 Timothy 2:15? Do you desire fellowship with other followers of Christ as it mentions in Hebrews 10:25? And the big question is are you trying by your words and actions to share Jesus with others on a regular basis?I challenge you today and every day to take inventory of your life. Do your social media posts bring people closer to the Lord or drive them further away? When you are driving your vehicle on the streets and highways are you a law abiding citizen and kind to other drivers? Do you ‘tithe’ your time giving a good portion of time to the Lord before striking out alone unprotected with no spiritual armor on(See Ephesians 6).After enduring this Coronavirus challenge since early March you may not feel the joy of the Lord but try. You might not realize it but Satan loves to get believers anxious, upset, feeling defeated, a stranger to fellowship, and make followers think they don’t need to worship and bow down before the Lord God almighty. The things of this world and it’s worldview may seem okay and lure you away my friend but don’t be fooled. The world may entice and it’s voices may be pretty loud in your life right now but deep down the Holy Spirit calls each person and wants them to love the Lord and serve Him and not swerve from the course in life you know to be right.PRAYER: Father I pray for anyone I know struggling with the truth found only in the Bible. I pray the clutches of this world loses it’s grip on those I have been lifting up in prayer. I also pray that you will keep my eyes open to the truth and keep me on the path that leads to eternal life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Cats Have It Made...Not!
Therefore encourage one another with these words.1 Thessalonians 4:18As I watch my cat I chuckle that he sure does not have many concerns. Sleeps nearly all the time. Rolls over prompting me to rub his belly. Meows for ‘meow mix’ and basically has no responsibility in one of his ‘nine lives’.
It would be horrible to have a life of total leisure like a cat. A cat can’t know the pleasures of life such Zip lining, riding a roller coaster, enjoyment of a live play, going to birthday parties, making friends, you get the point.They just sort of lie around to make their owner happy.
In the life you live are you like my cat or are you engaged in the world making a difference? Do you coast along sucking up the good things of life or do you intentionally set out to be a light in the darkness and encourage others? Why not purpose in your heart you will do more than lie around but get out and see who needs a Jesus’ hug.PRAYER: Father I don’t want to be a lazy lethargic follower but I want to be used to help others who need encouragement. Use me to bring joy and comfort to another. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Turn To Your Bibles
Monday, August 10, 2020
Are You Facing In The Right Direction?
Have you ever noticed cattle eating in a pasture? Usually they are all facing the same direction and in a group or herd and moving in sync. They are eating some pretty good grass the farmer has grown for them. Why in the same direction not sure but just notice some time.
There are right directions to go in life and then those which totally throw you off course and can mess up your life. The good thing is God can take those messes you may have gotten yourself into and turn them around for the good and make them your message of redemption for the world to see. So my friend, are you facing the right direction in your life?
Sunday, August 9, 2020
United We Stand, Six Feet Apart
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1Today’s title sounds like an oxymoron. How can we truly be united standing apart?I want to talk about unity. Our fractured nation right now is reeling from orchestrated rioting, bashing law enforcement, perceived racism fueled by being misinformed and trusting the media and the ever present masking controversy has ignited the fire causing friends and family to be at odds with each other. This country is playing right into the hands of Satan.James 1:19 is a favorite verse of mine which simply states “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” Realize this is Satan waging war and having many believing news more than trusting in God and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide them.Before you get upset this is not an anti masking writing but simply stating how believers need to gird themselves with the word of God which is part of your armor and recognize many attacks originate from and being kind and loving is what followers of Christ need to do even when provoked. Do not engage in arguments which don’t do anything but hurt your witness. Love one another. Pure, plain, and simple.PRAYER: Lord Jesus help me to be a good representative of your kingdom in these unprecedented times. Let me shine your love to a hurting and confused world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
How Are Your Orchards and Groves?
Friday, August 7, 2020
National Guilt Museum
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
Recently on an interstate highway from the distance I saw a billboard which I thought said ‘National Guilt Museum’ and was thinking that would be quite an odd and unusual museum and wondered what the displays would look like. I chuckled as I drove closer and saw it said ‘National QUILT Museum’ a whole different meaning.So have you ever been guilty of guilting someone? Maybe you don’t do it on purpose and may don’t even realize you are. I don’t think anyone intentionally wants to bring mental anguish and guilt upon a close friend or family member but it happens.I guess the key to stopping guilt would be to be content in life where you are. Don’t repay evil for evil or try to get revenge for being hurt or left out. It is certainly not Christlike. If you have been told you guilted someone, many parents have been, ask God to keep a watch on your thoughts, your mouth, and give you a Christlike attitude. It takes practice especially if you have been a guilter but you can do it with Holy Spirit as your guide.PRAYER: Father I feel terrible when I have been told by someone I was trying to guilt them. I know this is NOT from you nor does it bring me closer to kingdom.Deliver me from this terrible trait. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
God’s Alarm Clock...Don’t Hit Snooze
Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20
You probably like the snooze button on the alarm clock where you can lie in bed a little longer and grab a little more sleep.If God had an alarm clock I would not recommend hitting the snooze button. If he is calling you or speaking to you now is not the time to run away and hide. Many of those ‘called’ by God did not want to serve or did not feel qualified. At times God used the most unlikely people to do His kingdom work.For decades it has been speculated that the ‘last days’ are upon us yet scripture clearly says “no man knows the day or the hour”(Mark 13:32) The thing is you don’t want to be coasting along and giving no thought to your spiritual life. All humans are said to be born with a God shaped vacuum in their heart. Only God can meet your deepest needs. You are either moving towards God or away from Him. Are you going to jump up and get going when God calls you?PRAYER: Jesus I do need you and I confess many days I feel like I am okay on my own and life is pretty good. Help me Lord to stay focused on kingdom work and running the race to win. Help me guide others as well.In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Stay Still And Be Alert
You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.'"2 Chronicles 20:17What a year it has been! What is happening? Will normal ever return?In the midst of all the changes this pandemic has created there are glimmers of hope. Sure this disease has interfered with our lives and even caused the death of some, but what are you and I supposed to take away from all this when it is over? Many theories are swirling about but believers need to stand on the word of God not engaging in social media debates.First stay focused on God. Next don’t forget that in order to focus on God it is necessary to be still long enough to have a quiet time and read scripture. Thirdly play some praise and worship music and just soak in the lyrics and lift your hands and burdens to the Lord, he will sustain you and bring you peace. Go now and try to bring a some joy to another persons life.PRAYER: Lord during this time and every day I need you in my life. Forgive me for many days when other things seem to shove you out. I pray for those I know who consider being a Christian only a title without any time with you Lord. I choose to make you really first before Oprah, Dr Phil, Wall Street Journal, TV news, or any other distractions that do nothing for my spirit. Help me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.Click link for song:
Move To The Junk Folder
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.” Isaiah 43:18
Is there anything in your life you should be ‘moving to the junk folder’ and forgetting about? Past mistakes, bad relationships, and just stuff in general that is weighing on your heart and if it had a smell would wreak like soured milk or rotten eggs.The time is now to truly release baggage of the past that may be affecting present day relationships. Let go of wanting to get somebody back or prove your point. A follower of Christ is to walk in victory and truly try to take the high road. Try to be a light for Jesus not a tool in the hand of Satan.Once you have purged the things in your life that need to be deposited in the junk folder hit that delete button and move forward. Don’t hang around waiting for another battle. Let God fight your battles.PRAYER:At times I get rid of things I know are taking me away from you but alas there will be moments this stench of the past comes back. Help me have strength to keep my mind focused on ‘things above’ and use me to be a witness not a stumbling block. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Survive And Thrive In Shutdown
Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD.Psalm 27:6
Hey there how you doing my friend?Hopefully you are being able to move forward even during this government shutdown most Americans find themselves in the midst of.My suggestion is to find new creative things to do. Discover hidden talents. Be thinking about the day there will be no more mandatory masking and you can smile and get a smile in return. Do not under any circumstances let the enemy get you fixated on what you are missing or why is this happening.Choose to think positive thoughts and yes to do that you have to tune into God and the Bible and away from constant news flashes.Go with the flow and keep your chin lifted high. Most of us are not enjoying this time and I refuse to call it a new normal whether it is or not. I see it as a ‘time out’ for spiritual renewal. Take an inventory of your life. What can you do to make another persons life better? Don’t sit and mope but get up and get going.PRAYER: I thank you Lord for the gift of life, liberty and my family. I pray for anyone out there who does not have a peaceful family life and I pray for those people caught up in gloominess your lift them higher and help them find you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
The ‘Eyes’ Have It
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people. Ephesians 1:18
In our current environment the phrase “the eyes are the windows to the soul” could really be applicable. Smiles are what reflects a persons’ soul too.You may have to hide your smile but you can still be smiling whether people see it or not. Open the eyes of your heart to see the needs around you.Do you feel the pain or hurt of another? Is there a tangible way you can bring a smile of hope to someone hurting deep inside? Go the distance and reach out in this foreign environment you find yourself in right now. Love one another.PRAYER: Jesus you alone are my hearts desire. I lift up my eyes to you for you are my strength my deliverer a light in the darkness. I pray for this time of having to hide our faces to soon be over. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Clamoring For A Photo
He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.Isaiah 53:3Recently when watching the 2020 CMA Music Fest on TV it just made me kind of laugh how humans react to normal people who happen to be rich and famous.Yours truly is guilty. Keith Urban strolled through the crowded audience at the Nissan Stadium field in Nashville with bodyguards as cell phones went up and thousands were taking that picture of this famous guy.Now if you or I step out on the street paparazzi aren’t stalking us because we are not well known. Basically all of us put our pants on the same way some just wear more expensive pants. Jesus wouldn’t have had drawn crowds because there are accounts he wasn’t one people cared about. Now Jesus’ followers would certainly be excited to see him like Zaccheus who climbed up in a tree to get a better look at him.
PRAYER: I am so grateful for all the wonderful things there are in life to enjoy and at times it may be easy to swoon over celebrities or put them on a pedestal. Help me Lord redirect my delight in you and help me to not put anything higher than you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Your Connection Has Temporarily Been Lost
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” Romans 8:35Is this not the most irritating message when you have important work to do to see today’s title flash across the screen?Did you know that you can never be separated from the love of God? He created you and he wants you to live for Him and love Him but sadly many go there own way and heaping up false teachers and idols and sort of kick Jesus under the bus.Where are you at today my friend? Do you get more excited about earthly endeavors than you do spending time with Jesus? Start now and make Jesus just as important as brushing your teeth and putting on deodorant. When you start the day meditating on God’s word you are putting on your spiritual armor. (See Ephesians 6). Reestablish your connection right now!PRAYER: Lord I love you but there was a time I was only a ‘churched’ person or a ‘denominational’ believer and was not truly in love with you Lord. Use me to help draw others out of their stupor and into a relationship with the living God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.