Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29
The dictionary definition of a cynic is a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons. Those who think people can’t actually have good in their hearts and there is always an ulterior motive. Sad isn’t it that people exist who have such a poor view of goodness and mankind they would have poor thoughts about them.
There are kind people in the world. There are kind people in political circles too. There are those who are indeed genuine but when another person holds some form of hate or jealousy obviously they would have wrong thoughts about them. If you find yourself in any way like this stop and ask God to forgive you and give you a heart of love for all people and anyone who is doing something for wrong reason let God handle it. You will be happier if you do.
So today look around for goodness in those around you not judging or condemning them. And pray for those you disagree with or feel you can’t trust. Today’s verse says lots and for me it means if I can’t find good things to say then don’t open my mouth. Your thinking has to be cleaned up too if you find yourself dwelling in the sewers of life your thoughts will be like garbage. Turn off worldly negative thinking and things that perpetuate it. Yes maybe not watch the opinionated lopsided news and purify your mind by listening to worship music instead. Go have a great day!
PRAYER: Lord Jesus I am thankful for Christian radio and TV and Christian books and news. I want to be set apart for you work in the kingdom. If I have had bad thoughts about about anyone and help me pray instead. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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