Have you ever heard the phrase that is my title today? Think about what it means. I know when you continually push Jesus on people be it a friend, family member, or whoever, sometimes it can backfire. As a believer you have a duty to help win the lost to Christ but not by banging them over the head with your Bible or constantly shoving Jesus in their face. If you have done it that's okay, God gives second chances.
Our job is to be a missionary for Christ but that does not mean be preaching at people 24/7 but instead building relationships with them, showing love, being kind. Showing people you care and love them and are not judging them. Stop guilting people if you are doing that. Purpose today to do the job God has called you to do mainly loving, being a witness, and keeping quiet.
Pray and leave the results to God. If you don't see results, be still. Ask God to help you be still no matter how long it takes. Stand on the promises in the word of God and stop worrying and dwelling on it.
PRAYER: You Lord are gracious and merciful and you never give up on me. You never give up on those I am praying for. Thanks for that. Help me be still. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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Several years ago, I heard of some temporary employees who held a Bible study on company time where a friend of mine worked. Needless to say, they didn't get to be permanent workers. When I heard the story of them doing this, I voiced the words of your title. Good thoughts here in your post.