Welcome to God's Lemonade Stand

It is my hope that by reading this daily you will grow in your walk with Christ and knowledge of scriptures and be set free from any struggles in your life that are weighing you down. Be blessed to be a blessing.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Learning To Be Still

He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10
As I watch four perky little hummingbirds dashing and darting about around the feeder hanging from my porch, occasionally one or two of them actually sit still on the perch provided on the feeder and suck the food in the feeder. It is so amazing to see these little birds which normally are at a frantic pace actually sit down for a moment and rest. 

For we humans being  still involves so much more than the act of stillness but it means controlling your thought life and the words coming out of your mouth as well. Stillness must at times be intentional. There is something called a 'Day Alone With God' coined I believe by a lady in the Moms in Prayer ministry a few years ago where you purposefully set aside time to get alone with God preferably in a location outside your home where you are free from distractions. It is a wonderful discipline even if you can only do it for an hour or so. 

Make up your mind you will take time to be still. No cell phones. No music. No answering doorbells. Go somewhere safe and commune with God. His creation is abounding with places to get away. During this time talk to your Heavenly Father and enjoy just being still. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I know I need to take time to not always being going here and there and schedule time to sit at your feet. Help me as I try to discipline myself in this vital area. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Let Go, Step Back, Stop Hovering, And Trust God!

And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you. 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Several years ago when my sons were in college there was an article I think in Wall Street Journal entitled 'The Helicopter Moms Are Hovering On Facebook'. I know that in my generation this is a fault of many moms. My mom never did it. Sure there was no internet then but she did not constantly have to be in the loop, concerned trying to spoon feed me and shape my life. She did her job. She didn't tell me how to live or subtly 'suggest' things.

Whether you are a mom or a dad,  especially when they leave home, back off. You have done your job. Why is it many of us find it so hard to loose the cords? Cut the 'umbilical cord' and let them live their life. No one likes to be guilted into something and we are not the Holy Spirit junior. Release your grown child to the Lord then let Him go especially if he or she is married. A good relationship requires backing off into a new role. Believe me I have made my share of boo boos.

God is our parent. He is not hovering over us but He cares for us. He sees us mess up and then we pick ourselves back up again. You pray prayers so once those are prayed stop worrying and trust God. Try to stay focused on things above and involve yourself in your own business. There are actually verses in the Bible about meddling. Stay on your knees, not on the phone.

PRAYER: Lord for those of us blessed with children there are so many wonderful stages but help parents everywhere learn to let go, learn to not meddle, learn to not guilt. Help me stay on my knees and give the concerns to you and let my children lead their lives. In Jesus' name. Amen.

NOTE: This devotion was focused on a particular group today and departure from my all inclusive devotions so I hope even if you are not married or don't have children you gained something from it. Be blessed.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

So Heavenly Minded No Earthly Good

Do you have contempt for God, who is very kind to you, puts up with you, and deals patiently with you? Don’t you realize that it is God’s kindness that is trying to lead you to him and change the way you think and act? Romans 2:4

Have you ever heard the phrase that is my title today? Think about what it means. I know when you continually push Jesus on people be it a friend, family member, or whoever, sometimes it can backfire. As a believer you have a duty to help win the lost to Christ but not by banging them over the head with your Bible  or constantly shoving Jesus in their face. If you have done it that's okay, God gives second chances. 

Our job is to be a missionary for Christ but that does not mean be preaching at people 24/7 but instead building relationships with them, showing love, being kind. Showing people you care and love them and are not judging them. Stop guilting people if you are doing that. Purpose today to do the job God has called you to do mainly loving, being a witness, and keeping quiet. 

Pray and leave the results to God. If you don't see results, be still. Ask God to help you be still no matter how long it takes. Stand on the promises in the word of God and stop worrying and dwelling on it. 

PRAYER: You Lord are gracious and merciful and you never give up on me. You never give up on those I am praying for. Thanks for that. Help me be still. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click link below for a powerful song of praise and worship. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Grade School To Grad School

For where two or three gather in my name there I am with them. Matthew 18:20
Today marks the anniversary of a nationwide student led prayer movement called 'See You At The Pole' where early before school begins students gather at their school flagpole to simply pray. For over 25 years this student led prayer initiative has existed  for one purpose. To unite student to pray for their school, country, and world. 
Ever since prayer was removed from the public schools in 1963 there have been attempts to remove the First Amendment rights to pray in school, have Bible studies, and even be able to distribute the Gideon's New Testament on school campuses. The enemy would like nothing more than to silence Christians in the United States and have us become communistic and unable to speak or pray. But just like the movie 'God's Not Dead', God is going nowhere. His kingdom come, His will be done.
If you are near one of the schools in your community by the time you read this it may be over but the main time students congregate is before school at 7 a.m. It is a site to behold while students pray and lift their hands to the Lord. Revival is coming to our nation's campuses. 
PRAYER: Dear Lord protect these students who are bold enough to take a stand for you on their campuses throughout this land. Help this movement spread. May this be a witness to communities nationwide and worldwide. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

If reading this before 7 hope on your car and drive to nearest school to find out if they are gathering. Just sit and watch. To God be the glory! 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22

Today I got help with my title from my weight watchers leader who talked about A.N.T. (Automatic Negative Thoughts) in the context of losing weight and I will speak of these wrong thoughts as it applies to your spiritual life. Here goes!

First of all, if a concern is weighing you down, you know well enough that the anxiety you feel is not from God. The devil specializes in trying to get God's children saturated in worry, doubt, concern, and fear. Aren't you and I above that my friend? Yes we are! It takes spiritual discipline and getting yourself out of the gutter to think right. You have to continually confess out loud positive things. Romans 4:17 says " calling things as not as though they were" and certainly a steady mind diet of fear and worry helps no one and certainly can not make you a victorious child of God.

You have to choose which mindset you want to be in. Do you want to constantly fret and worry over a situation you can do absolutely nothing about or do you want to start your day joyful lifting up praise to God for the answers on the horizon that He will bring? Don't succumb to fears my friend. Hang in there and focus on 'things above'!

PRAYER: Oh how great is your love for me Lord. I know you care about me and my concerns and are at work in the lives of those I pray for. I choose to purposefully focus on good stuff and if I catch myself slipping will turn on some good praise music. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Click on link below for a wonderful song of worship and praise. I realize some of my readers may not go to churches who sing this type of music which is known as worship songs but sit back, lift your hands to Jesus and sing along. You will feel better.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Checking A Box Or Loving God?

In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6
 Did you know it is possible to attend church and not really be in love with God? Also did you know it was possible to not go to church and be in love with God? The point is people have to stop judging and maybe change churches if you are in a dead church that doesn't make you feel  the love of Jesus. Also stop judging those you know who are not in church right now. It is about way more than opening the church door each Sunday but it is about living for Christ the other 6 days. Stop pushing and start praying.

You should want to be in church on Sunday as it is one of God's commandments to remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.  Other verses elsewhere in the Bible mention not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as we need each other and should not be Lone Ranger Christians. Elsewhere in scripture it says not to seek your own pleasure on the Sabbath day. Above all though do not become so legalistic you miss the whole point.

I have talked to people who have felt condemned by a church, or who got nothing out of the message or music. Maybe they have been hurt in life by someone or had a lot of bad junk happen and tend to blame God. Maybe they feel God can never forgive them for something they have done. Continue to love others and pray. If I have described you in this message, begin to  seek God on your own at home. Give him time each day. Purpose in your heart that you intend to fall back in love with Him.

PRAYER: Help me Lord to never be guilty of shoving people or trying to orchestrate their spiritual life. It is only the Holy Spirit that does any transforming. My job is to love and keep quiet while waiting. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Click link and worship the Lord in song:

Sent from my iPad

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Be You!

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10

I sat in my hair dressers chair one day and noticed a beautiful young girl probably in her late 30's come in and thought she looked like a local personality on TV. I said nothing. People are people and God created each of us unique. My friends know I have a habit of finding celebrity lookalikes but why does it even matter. 

Each person whether famous or not is special to God. I think it would be a pain to have everyone clamoring over you because they saw you on TV or in a magazine. Once a few years back, a lady and her daughter, stopped me in a local coffee shop and asked if I was the Candle Maker from Huntsville's Constitution Village and I told them I used to be. This made me smile.

Point being a rich and famous person is only rich and famous in the eyes of the world. God doesn't look at that stuff. Sometimes it can keep you away from God too. Be you as that is who God made you. If you get well known give God the glory.
PRAYER: Lord I give you the praise and glory for creating me in my mother's womb. I am beautiful and special to you and that is all that matters. Help me honor you by my choices in life. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

You're Blocked!

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Those of you reading this who do social media know how discouraged and hurt you can be when you are blocked. I have been blocked now for over two years by a girl who used to be a close sister like friend.  Some are blocked by those who don't like their politics or views on life. I am victim of that as well by a few college sorority sisters. Anyway point being blocking and shunning hurt. I basically have had a couple years to absorb the hurt and now am pretty much healed but maybe you are experiencing some form of rejection in your own life right now.
All I can say is to hang on to hope. Don't bug people, just pray for them. One sweet very close friend renewed her friendship with me last summer and turns out it wasn't me causing the problem. Aren't you glad God puts up with us warts and all? I sure am. He doesn't care about our affiliations, political party, college we attended or didn't attend, social status, the way we dress, the car we drive. He just simply LOVES us , period!  Let that soak in. 
Try as best you can to let go of hurt and pain you may be dealing with. Get into the Bible. Get the Bible on CD and immerse yourself in the word. Our mind has to get under control and your thoughts have to be focused on things above not problems here if you expect to gain victory.

PRAYER: Lord you are so good. I am thankful you don't turn us away. Thank you for your love for me even when I don't act like I love you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, September 22, 2017

T Minus Ten Seconds And Counting!

You need to be patient, in order to do the will of God and receive what he promised. Hebrews 10:36
Countdowns are a part of life. Besides the NASA space launches, how many who are parents have caught yourself uttering "you have to the count of ten to give that toy back to your brother" or something similar? We have countdowns till vacation starts, waiting till an upcoming marriage, baby to be born, or graduation. Yes we count down and try to be patient in the process.

Waiting is not real fun and in modern America we are  used to getting instant  everything. Life doesn't work that way nor does prayer work that way. Part of the process of waiting is for your own good to train you to be more Christlike. Giving things instantly does not teach anything.

What is it you are waiting anxiously for today? A child's or spouse's salvation, healing, a job, to be forgiven by someone, a promotion at work? God has your back. He hears your prayers. Keep on believing and trusting and try to be still in the process.

PRAYER: Lord you are good and your mercies endure forever. Oh Lord God I look to you to help me be still. Help me not get impatient. Strengthen my heart to do your will. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hurry Up, Will You!

Whoever is patient has great understanding,
but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.
Proverbs 14:29

In my travels, occasionally I might encounter a delayed flight due to a host of reasons. The most recent was on a trip between Dallas and Nashville as it was announced a flight attendant was sick and a new one was on the way. Disgruntled passengers sitting next to me in the waiting area were so perturbed. 

What does anger do or impatience? It won't change the situation. Sometimes a delay can be a good thing. In defense of the upset person next to me she might have been flying to an event she was going to miss.

Try to go with the flow in life. Parents be the example and teach your children this essential life skill. Display a good attitude regardless of what is swirling around you. 

PRAYER: Life can present many opportunities to get angry or impatient. Help me when I am tempted to explode to be still. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Inside Counts

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”1 Samuel 16:7

How quick are we to judge by appearances. Birth defects, scars, ragged clothing, skin color, religious attire, team shirts. So many things can cause you to look down upon another person. That is not your job. Your job is to show love regardless of the outside 'package'. 

Judgment is easy to do but must cease in the life of a believer. If you catch yourself starting to think something negative about someone just remember that God loves them too. Instead try to find ways to build up others. 

Focus on good and look for goodness in all people. Don't let outside appearances distract you from the person inside. 

PRAYER: Forgive me if I have ever been guilty of judging others. It is not my place. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Slow Down and Chill Out

Take control of what I say, O LORD, and guard my lips. Psalm 141:3

Probably most of my female readers may be more outwardly emotional than men so this devotion may speak to you in a different way. Recently at Atlanta Bread I got the idea for this title off their cold drink cups. Indeed we need to learn to slow down and to chill out, right moms, and oh yeah, dads too and those without children. Let's all be on guard. 

I have opened my mouth more times than I care to remember and said something I regretted later usually done in haste without the 24 hour rule suggested by a dear friend. Many times our emotions can run rampant and then the mouth runs off and out comes words which never should have been uttered. Man the devil loves impatience and impulsiveness cause he uses it to wreck relationships. First remember we can't fix anyone or change their heart. That is job of the Holy Spirit. We are wasting our breath. 

Right here and right now, purpose in your heart that you will NOT allow any thing to be said if there is a remote chance you know it will backfire. This requires slowing down, chilling out, and yes thinking. A tall order for some, but hey aren't those relationships worth it? I know mine are. 

PRAYER: Lord I am so thankful again and again when you forgive me for all the stupid stuff I have allowed to come out of my mouth. Help me learn to think and learn to keep certain things unsaid. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, September 18, 2017

When Life Hurts

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2
Sometimes life can just hurt. You may be cut out if a will, rejected by a friend, unwelcome by a family member, thrown under the carpet by a spouse, verbally abused. 
My life has hurt at times and I am sure yours has as well. It may hurt now. I am not sure what it is you are going through but God does care. Try to not dwell on the negative or you may catch yourself in a public place or in your office crying for no explained reason. You can't control other people only the Holy Spirit can. Save your energy. 
Your job is to keep the faith, keep believing and above all keep praying. In times of pain and heartache the enemy can really trip you up. Beat him at his game by not dwelling on your pain.

PRAYER: Father God when things in life go crazy and stuff is turning out like I hoped I run to you. You say 'be still my child' and how true that is. Thanks for your comfort. In Jesus' name. Amen 🙏.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Rush, Rush, Rush! Why?

What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Ecclesiastes 1:3
Here in America we as a society seem to be on a proverbial treadmill. Almost to the point that if you aren't busy you feel guilty or worthless. Why? Why allow schedules and all free time to be taken up? What is wrong with being still? Nothing! Then parents start rushing their poor little ones all over the place and the cycle continues. 

Besides today's verse is another good verse found in Psalm 46:10 that says "Be STILL and know that I am God." But can you? Slowing down and backing off has to be intentional. It is not necessary to fill up every empty slot on your calendar. Often times when that happens time with God is the first thing to suffer. 

Might I suggest even for those of you who work full time, to take a few hours alone with God or maybe even just a walk without your phone on your lunch hour. Spend time talking to God. Maybe sit in a park and read your Bible. Learn to develop the ability to rest. 

PRAYER: I am so grateful for the times I can just sit and be still. Sort of like a frantic hummingbird who occasionally will sit and rest his wings I too need that time of peace. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Life Without Apps

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Hey there's an app for that! What was life like before the convenience of the mobile phone app? Well we communicated more face to face for one. 

Imagine if you can a day free from cellular devices. It might be a good exercise to do.  Also a challenge for parents is taking away your teens 'device' at bedtime. Set time to be a family without your phones clutched to you like a life saving device. Some need to admit they have a problem. 

The cell phone does have many fine Christian apps to use and even several Bible apps but still give yourself a break and try to set a app free/cell phone free day. Use the day to talk to God. Also to experience quietness and no neck pain from looking down. Enjoy talking face to face. Now go make someone's day! 

PRAYER: Father I thank you for times of peace and quiet. I thank you for my modern devices but help me not oversaturate myself with technology. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Row Your Boat, Don't Rock It

"The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Exodus 14:14

I can't remember where I heard the phrase I am using for today's title but I liked it. Makes sense. When you are in a literal boat you want to keep it straight ahead and not purposely be rocking it causing the possibility of someone falling overboard.

Don't  be a trouble maker agitating situations or causing flare ups with friends. When someone mistreats you keep rowing. Don't rock the boat and fling them overboard. When you are overlooked for promotion, keep rowing. You get the idea.

Life will have some waves and churning water and you need to go with the flow but don't seek to make waves.  Learn to relax and let go of stuff and row on.

PRAYER: Father I want to be an example for you and don't want to be a troublemaker rocking boats. Help me to mind my own business and stay on course. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


So do not  fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

What are you afraid of? Roller coasters, snakes, bees, heights, cancer, whitewater rafting, flying, the future, dying. There is a saying to 'face your fear' and just do something you normally wouldn't. I know of a family getting ready to go in a shark cage. Whew. Whatever it is that is making you afraid let God have your fears. 

Fears in life boil down to one thing many times and that is getting hurt or death. Death is going to happen to everyone who ever breathed. It is not to be feared. What good is staying pre occupied with the inevitable going to do? Try giving your fears totally to the Lord. Keep your mind focused on Him and off stuff that scares you. 

PRAYER: Oh Father God I thank you that in you I can have perfect peace from the storms of life raging around me. Help me as I seek to stay focused on my blessings. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Shhhhhh! Seriously.

But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.Out of the same mouth proceed  blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. JAMES 3:8-10

I will be the first to admit I have a mouth problem. Do you too? I am talking about not thinking before you open your mouth and say something stupid you can't take back.  Your tongue has the power for bad or good. It can cause so much destruction if you aren't careful. Your mouth should be filled with kindness and goodness not judgment and condemnation. 

If you have to vent why not journal and then you won't hurt someone in the process. All stages of life require different types of self control when it comes to your mouth.  Better to be silent than to be a fool and have regrets. 

Be still, be using your head, and keep the love of Jesus inside of you at all times and you will be less likely to mess up. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the miracle of being able to talk and sing and declare your praises with the little tongue in my mouth. Help me think before I open it so as to not dig any hole deeper. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Spiritual Warfare.....A Real Thing!

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. 2 Corinthians 10:4
When you are trying to do the Lord's work and seeking Him with your whole heart often times the enemy loves to play with you. I have had devotions 'disappear'. I have had 'feelings' I should not go to a prayer group or Bible study probably only to keep me from getting a blessing from them. The enemy loves to attack us and tries to defeat us. 

When my writing recently 'vanished' of course I was frustrated and many would call it coincidental because maybe they don't want to admit there is warfare with demonic spirits going on. This time I stood strong and realized I had to rewrite a few. To God be the Glory! 

So realize in fact we are in a real battle of good versus evil,  demons versus God. The spirits  of hatred you saw prior to the catastrophic hurricanes were straight from the pit of hell. Pray for those people. Don't hate them. Lean in to God. Trust Him. Don't allow Satan to get you flustered. You have the victory! 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus you are indeed mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. I pray for those who churches don't teach about this. Protect them and guide them into truth. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Come Together

Above all clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14
How vividly those who were alive and over the age of 5, remember September 11,2001. A day of shock, surprise, terror, madness, grief, disbelief, and unity. In our pain as we watched the unbelievable unfold on our TV screens live, we as a nation also came together. American flags became the hot ticket and were sold out in many places.

Similar to the storms in our South right now and forest fires out West, when tragedies occur, Americans unite no matter what their backgrounds or beliefs. The ugliness in the country and world seems to be put on the back burner as we work together for the good of mankind. 

Love is a word that is thrown around a good deal but when we have sincere love for others the world is a better place. Why does it take bad stuff to bring out the best in people. Stop what you are doing and say a prayer today for the survivors and family members of those killed in 911 crashes. And keep your heart full of love not letting hatred take up residence. 

PRAYER: Oh Lord Jesus I know indeed you work through bad stuff to work your glory. We pray for those who don't know you personally to come to know you even in the midst of their pain. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Kill Those Roots

See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Hebrews 12:15

For anyone who has ever had a garden you know how difficult it is to control those nasty weeds. They have to be uprooted completely and the roots killed or they just keep returning. 

That is like sin. It gets a hold of you and starts to choke your love, kindness, grace and everything else out of you. You have to kill that bitter root of sin be it hate, envy, lust, lying, gossip, and many more or you become a bitter person and not full of Jesus' love. 

So think about those nasty horrible roots in your garden and think about sin and its consequences. Don't allow yourself to be taken captive by evil and choked by sin. So start uprooting now! 

PRAYER: Lord how easy it is to compromise on what I know is right and little by little to fall away from my walk with you. Give me spiritual eyes to see evil and run from it. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Saturday, September 9, 2017


 All bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander must be removed from you, along with all malice. Ephesians 4:31

There are so many things in life that can cause you to become bitter. Cut out of a close family members will. Jilted by a long time spouse. Not being able to conceive when you so desperately want a baby. Being passed over for promotion. These are just examples.

You can see by the verse above that there is no place for bitterness in the life of a believer. It can eat you alive.  "But what can I do it hurts so bad" may be a reaction to the incident making you lose sleep at night and hate certain people.

Clothe yourself with love daily. Don't just say you are a believer but pick up that Bible that is no doubt somewhere in your home and start reading it. Might I suggest today to read the book of Colossians in the New Testament. It is filled with things to keep your mind focused above which you need to do when you are blind sided by a crisis in your life.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus I know being angry and upset is not the solution to my issues in life. I will not allow Satan to keep me making excuses for why I don't get into the Bible for help and peace. In Jesus name. Amen.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Worry Wart Central.....Mom-ville

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

No matter how hard you try sometimes the worry monster rears its' ugly head. Thing is worry does nothing to change a situation so why do it? Moms sort of feel it is our 'right' to worry since well, we're moms,  but oh contraire. God is the one to shoulder your burdens. Satan is the one who puts the bad thoughts into your head in the first place.

I got caught up into this trap recently and almost couldn't sleep. That is what worry does. It steals your peace. Might I suggest to avoid the news and you will be on the road to less stress and soon may be able to nip worry in the bud.

If you find yourself worrying open up your Bible and start reading the Psalms. Soon your mind will be filled with thoughts to help you relax.

PRAYER: Forgive me when I worry Lord because it is like saying I don't trust you to handle things. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Come Home

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Revelation 3:20
After we returned from a recent trip, our outdoor barn cat decided to either hide, run away, get eaten by a coyote, swooped up by a hawk, or just not ready to come back. This reminded me of how many of us 'hide' from God or just don't think being sold out to Jesus is 'their thing'. 
God continually pursues us. Just like me hollering for my cat, God is wanting you to come back. Some of you may need to come back or perhaps know people close to you who once were committed to Jesus but then their 'roots' got a little bit entangled with worldly pleasures and things of the Lord took a back seat or maybe weren't even in a seat at all. Jesus says "Come home child!" to all of us who have wandered at one time or another. The Sabbath day to those who are wandering is a day for their own pleasure and pursuits. Pursuing God is not in their equation. 
If you are that person or know of a person continue to pray God keeps knocking on their heart saying "seek me first child". 
PRAYER: Lord Jesus you are desperate for our love and affection and devotion yet so many wander away from the faith and the world and works of the flesh choke you out. Convict those people in my life who may be strangled by worldly pursuits to run back to you. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Taking The Bait

 I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. Romans 7:21

On the internet many times pop up gossip type news stories turn up to reel you in to something totally different. You take the bait and poof it is not what you thought. Sounds like the enemy with people right?

So many times the dangling carrot, as I will call it, is put out there to tempt you into doing something you know is wrong. Getting caught up with the wrong crowd and starting to act like them. Lying or cheating. And yes gossip is not from God.

You don't have to take the bait. Get your senses trained to recognize good from evil by studying and applying God's word.

PRAYER: So many times I have slipped into sin and I know I disappointed you. I will resist the enemy using your words and he will have to flee. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

In The Midst Of It All

“He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end” Luke 1:33
Craziness has invaded our country here in the US of A. I look at it as a spiritual attack due to our founding on Christian principles. Evil is rampant in many as they are not following God's ways. Newsflash: God is still in charge! 
How do you combat this hatred and evil? First read the Bible and pray. Next turn off the TV news that is often stoking the fire and feeding your mind wrong messages. Thirdly, start loving and being kind. 
God indeed has a plan and his ways are better than our ways. Don't become a discouraged and lethargic Christian but look up and keep praising your Maker. 
PRAYER: Oh Lord you hate evil and Satan is behind the evil. Turn men's hearts to you. Bring us revival. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, September 4, 2017

What Hospital Do You Go To?

On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."Matthew 9:12

Does today's title grab your attention? It is meant to. By this I mean where is it you go get well and 'treated' on Sunday? Where is your 'church home' in other words? 

Church is not mean to be some formality you do just because you were raised that way but it is to be a 'treatment center' of sorts for your spiritual health. It is where you go get your 'medicine' each week to help you get 'healing' throughout the week. 

But just like following the doctor's prescribed orders for getting well, are you following 'Doctor Jesus' orders by taking your medicine daily? Your medicine in this case is your quiet time and reading and studying God's word. That is the only way to stay healthy. 

PRAYER: I don't want or choose to be sickly and want to be strong in you Lord. My medicine sits right there on a table in my home yet how often I neglect it and treat it like a decoration. Forgive me Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Stop Pushing, Start Praying

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.Jeremiah 29:11

Bible teacher Joyce Meyer often says you can not be a person's Holy Spirit Junior or in other words, that is not our job. I am grateful. Makes me tired thinking of it.

If you are like me when it comes to prayer there are times you may become tired of waiting and try to take matters into your own hands. Didn't work out too well for Abraham now did it? (See Genesis 17 and 18). When we mess with God's plans and don't trust Him it is not a good outcome. 

What are you waiting for today? Are you having difficulty waiting? Part of God's Plan is to be able to have patience and praise Him in the midst of storms and waiting. Trust and obey and let God be glorified! 

PRAYER: Forgive me Lord when I have been pushy and impatient. I know your plans are good ones. Help me be able to trust. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Got Your Ears On Good Buddy

Whoever has ears, let them hear. Matthew 11:15
A long time before the internet, world wide web, pagers and any other fancy communication devices there were CB Radios. Still in use by over the road truck drivers today, the way you would see if anyone was 'out there' was to say "Got your ears on good buddy" and wait for a response. 
Do you have your 'spiritual ears' on? Do you listen for God's 'voice'? It is hard to 'hear' if your life is out of control, overly busy, and has social media drowning it out. You have to be intentional about 'listening'. 
Put your mobile device down and go sit some where and get alone with God. Set an appointment with Him daily like you would your doctor, friend for lunch, or hairdresser. The more you read his word the more he 'speaks' to you. 
PRAYER: Help me listen for your gentle whispers and turn away from things that distract me from getting closer to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Do You Need God? You Betcha!

Trust in the
 Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.Psalm 37:3-5

There is a saying I heard once that there was a God shaped hole in all of us only He could fill and until you came to realize that you could just not walk in peace, fulfillment, and joy. God did create us and we are here to worship and serve Him. 

 Many people choose to not believe in God, believe in Him but not get so fanatical, or just outright hate Him. The movie 'God's Not Dead' was totally awesome. If you did not see it when it was in theaters please rent it. It pertained to modern day struggles where atheists, agnostics, and Communists are trying to remove any thing related to God and the Bible from a society that was founded using His word to form it's foundations and laws. 

Most reading this are probably believers but maybe some feel religion is enough or their church membership but what about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. God is love. Do you have love in your heart? Really? Ponder that today. Love you friends! 

PRAYER: My heart aches for those mean spirited haters who cause turmoil and hate goodness and truth. I pray for many who would try to erase you from society. They don't know it but you aren't going anywhere. In Jesus name. Amen.

Click link for a song of worship which is an oldie but goodie. Was sung at funeral of a dear friend: