And to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:19
I often wonder if Jesus had His feelings hurt when He was rejected. His rejections were big ones not petty ones like some of you go through here on Earth. Being left out, being ignored, being unfriended on Facebook, being blocked on Facebook, divorce, being talked down to by someone, breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, lies are spread about you, someone close says hurtful words. Rejection hurts and you kind of have to blow it off and not dwell on it.
Maybe some of the rejection helps you to reassess your life and make changes. It is not always bad. But it still hurts, take it from someone who has been 'tossed under the bus' a few times and by people close to me. Ouch. For sure you have to learn to move on and let it go. If you don't you can build up resentment and bitterness and turn into a very harsh person. Some deeply wounded people may need to seek professional counseling.
Rejection can be a form of demonic bondage you need to be released from. A stronghold that needs to be broken. Wherever you are today know that Jesus and God never rejects you. Come to Him just as you are. He forgives, heals, extends grace and let's you have new beginnings. Just let Him.
PRAYER: I have been angry after rejections Lord and I know that is not good as a believer and it does not help me stir up feelings of love for sure. Help me move on, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Good word for me today. Seems we all struggle with feelings of rejection and the pain often caused by those closest to us. Thanks, Becky!