For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4
When you get really sick more than likely you head to your doctor. He or she will diagnose your illness and give you a treatment plan to follow in order to get well. Being a Christian requires you to follow the 'doctor's orders' as well this time meaning 'Doctor Jesus' as I will refer to Him for this writing.
Sicknesses in this case would be spiritual strongholds that have a grip on your life and at times you may be unaware. The best way to defeat strongholds is with the word of God. The Bible does not do a person much good if it just sits on a coffee table or next to your bed and is never opened. Get a Bible that has references for subjects in the back so you can look up verses. Get the word of God planted in a your head so your life is God focused on not saturated with things of the world.
Beware my friend as Satan throws many roadblocks into you wanting better spiritual health. You will find excuses, busyness, tired, complacent, lack of desire and a host of other things. Make up your mind you want to be healthy and whole for Christ and not a believer who just drifts from Sunday to Sundaywith no growth. Defeat the enemy, Read your Bible every day!
PRAYER: I want to take a dose of your healing medicine each and every day and to do this I know I have to plan my day to include quality time with you Lord. Give me wisdom in my daily priorities. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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