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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Celebrating The Darkness

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. 2 Corinthians 10:4

Riots, violence, anarchy, revolution, hatred  are all alive and well and cheered on by the media in these days after the election of the new President of The USA. He is trying to do things to get us back closer to our founders intent and many are lashing out in the streets, airports, college campuses, on the Senate floor, and oh yes Facebook. This type of anger is not of the Lord and if you catch yourself falling prey to it you had better run hard and fast the other way no matter what political party you identify with or what the color of your skin.

Satan has captured many people in the entire world, not just America. He works through people to lie,scheme, destroy, fabricate, and manipulate. His mission is not freedom, babies saved, law and order restored but instead the exact opposite. It is time for all people to realize who their real enemy is. Don't be fooled by stories in the press that try to force propaganda on you. This is about having a Godly nation once again and no doubt that is why all the frenzy. I am sad to say I have even heard that our former 44th president is stirring the pot for rising up and causing dissension.

If you claim to be a believer do not fall in to the trap of acting evil and saying hateful things. Remember our job is to pray for our leaders not scorn them. Turn off the news and open the word of God. In it you will find your way back to true peace and joy.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus we need you in America again in a mighty way. I pray for those people who are getting paid to riot. I pray that you will restore law and order nationwide. I pray for those rebellious women in the little pink hats who are stirring up trouble as well I pray for all people to get behind our leaders as they seek to do what is best for our nation. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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