But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44
Social media has created a monster of sorts. I admire those friends of mine who have not felt the urge to get on it for whatever reason. It has created a new modern phenomena, that being superficial friendships and the dreaded monster of being unliked or unfriended. Ouch, those words sting don't they?Don't put too much stock in Facebook first of all. To be a friend you have to be a friend and that means spending time with your friends and making time for them. There may be those who have been your friend in real life but now don't like you anymore. I can't imagine not liking people cause I was taught to love and be kind. Not everyone is the same. Sometimes deep rooted problems can cause reactions to different people as well so don't take everything real hard if it happens to you.Your job as a follower of Jesus is to love and not hate. That means the vile politician, the rude store clerk, the difficult co worker, the aloof family member, the divisive inlaws, even those who curse you. Pray for these people. Maybe something has hurt a person that has created the monster they have become. Continue to pray God would help you love them, period!
PRAYER: Your desire is for me to be a representative of you and your kingdom. I can't do that gossiping, backbiting, hating, and judging. Create in me a renewed heart full of love and compassion. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Becky: Again, you give sage advise. Thank you for your wisdom.